Saturday, October 30, 2010

Another Favorite Egg Recipe - Chili Egg Bake

This is a great egg recipe (from my All You magazine)!  It's easy, it's delicious, and it uses up lots of our stockpile of eggs.  It would be perfect for a Christmas brunch recipe, because it makes a lot of food.

Chili-Egg Bake

10 eggs
4 oz. shredded mild Cheddar
4 oz. shredded monterey Jack
1/2 cup all purpose flour
16 oz. cottage cheese
1 4 oz can diced green chilis, drained
1 tsp salt
6 tbsp butter, melted
2 tsp onion powder

Preheat oven to 350*; mist a 9x13 pan w/ cooking spray. in large bowl, on medium speed, beat eggs until pale yellow and doubled in volume. Toss cheeses w/ flour and add to eggs. Add remaining ingredients and beat until combined. Pour into baking dish and bake 35-40 minutes, or until center is firm.
Even the twins greedily gobbled this up!  Give it a try - it won't disappoint.


  1. I just got through jotting this one down!...:)JP

  2. That sounds pretty good! Would be great for breakfast Christmas morning! Thanks for sharing it!

  3. This one would be a good one to take to church for the Easter Sunrise egg casserole.. I made a copy and put in my recipe box.. Yum Yum~! If the twins liked it I'm sure the kids at our church would to... I douby Ben would,,he is so pickey.. He's on a Pepperoni kick right now...Don't know what he eats at daycare.. He doesn't look like he is starving.

  4. I LOVE this recipe, especially since it's enough for a meal (at least, if you eat as much of it as I do). It also keeps/reheats well.

    Thanks for reminding me about this--I'm going to make it next week!

  5. When I glanced at the picture I thought it was creme brulee. Funny huh. Once I got my mind away from the fact that it was not creme brulee this actually sounds pretty yummy.

  6. Thanks for the 'recipe alert'!!! I will be giving this one a try - sounds pretty tastey!

  7. Lisa, Thanks so much for this recipe. I have made it twice so far and will most definitely make it a few more times before the little one arrives at the end of May. This gives me a lot of protein which I need and fits perfectly (carb wise) into my gestational diabetes diet plan. Sooo Yummy! Gloria


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