Sunday, October 31, 2010

But I Wanted to Pee in a Cup!

This week Pierce went for his four year old checkup.  After last year (when he refused to say one word to the doctor or cooperate in any way) I decided to do some preparation.  I sat down and talked to him about what would happen during his exam.  I told him the doctor would look at his eyes and ears, poke his belly, listen to his heart, and have him pee in a cup.  Granted, I omitted the whole vaccine part, but I talked about everything else in depth.  I figured I would spring the whole shot thing on him once we got settled in at the doctor's office.

Unfortunately, Pierce had preschool prior to his appointment, and where they made pumpkin shaped cookies frosted with piles of orange sugary icing.  It went straight to Pierce's head, and by the time we got to the appointment he was wired.  I had the twins too, and they were in the middle of what should've been nap time, so it was a little interesting.  Against the 'no food or drink' rules, I doled out animal crackers to the twins on the sly.  It beat the alternative (dual screaming without end).

Pierce got his vision and hearing checked, weight (he's a skinny guy at just barely 30 pounds, fully clothed), height, and blood pressure.  He rolled around on the table and ran around the room, burning off frosting while I tried to answer the pediatrician's questions.  Finally, the doctor left to send in the nurse with the shots, and I broke the news to Pierce that he'd be getting 3 shots (plus the flu mist in his nose).  To his credit, although he complained and was nervous, he handled himself well.  So we wrapped things up and Pierce went to get his four stickers, when suddenly he wailed "BUT I WANTED TO PEE IN A CUP!"  It turns out that based on new recommendations, they are now only running urinalyses every other year in kids.  Having had my share of peeing in cups during pregnancy (or at least trying to pee in cups - more often missing the mark the further along I was) I can't really say I agree with Pierce's sentiments.  I was subjected to three 24 hour urine collections while pregnant and preeclamptic, I'd be happy if I never brought another pee collection device home again.  But lucky us.  The pedi and the nurse took pity on Pierce's complaints.  They want their little patients happy after all.  So they sent Pierce home with a urine specimin cup.  Which all of his stuffed animals have now peed in.  Wonder how long I have to hang on to a urine specimin cup in my living room before it can suddenly 'go missing' without notice?


  1. I wonder if he'll tell me about it (the cup) when I come over???...:)JP

  2. Wow - so funny! Reminds me of the very thoughts I had when my boys were little - how long before something weird of their prize possessions can go missing....! LOL!

  3. Boys can be so much fun at that age! lol My kids won't pee in a cup and never have. Glad he didn't kick the doctor when he was getting the shots like mine does! lol It takes 3 of us to hold my boy down....

    Happy Halloween!

  4. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)


  5. I love that the stuffed animals can pee in a cup!

  6. How funny!!! Poor mom, dealing with a frosting hyper child and tired twins. I would have handed out animal crackers too!

    Glad Pierce did well with everything and got to bring home a cup. lol Our stuff usually goes missing when she is sleeping!

  7. As a boy, I can attest to the enjoyment of peeing in or on most anything...just sayin'

  8. That is too funny! Isn't it hilarious the parts kids decide to really really pay attention to. He is a little guy at just 30 lbs... maybe he'll be a runner like his mama :)


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