Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How's That Cloth Diaper Thing Working Out?

We've been cloth diapering for a couple of months now.  Still newbies, but we've embraced it wholeheartedly.  We love our Fuzzibunz.  So soft, fun colors.  Yes, I do a lot more laundry.  I buy the All Free and Clear in bulk!  But I love how comfy their diapers are.

Last month, I actually won an organic Bum Genius cloth diaper through a giveaway on the Multiples and More blog. 

I also won a wet bag, pictured below, for putting wet diapers in on the road.  It's lined inside so it doesn't leak or smell.  Also, you can see the inside of the Bum Genius in the picture to the right.  It's a lot different than the pocket diaper Fuzzibunz that we're used  to. 

The giveaway was sponsed by Simple Wonders Diapers.  Click HERE if you'd like to check out their site.  They're very friendly and have super fast shipping.  So when it was time to purchase a few accessories, I returned to their shop.

Okay, so maybe this wasn't an accessory, but I couldn't resist a cow butt:

I bought some flushable liners for outings and some cloth diaper safe rash ointment.  Turns out the normal ointments aren't so good for the diapers.  Sometimes we use a liner with old fashioned Desitin.  And sometimes we now use this ointment.  Reid is a little prone to diaper rashes - his skin is sensitive that way.

By far, though, the best purchase EVER was this:

The cloth diaper sprayer.  I can't believe we did cloth diapers for so long without it.  Basically, it just hooks up to the toilet, and allows you to hose down diaper messes straight into the toilet!  Talk about a life saver.  If you're thinking about cloth diapers, just order this as soon as you order the diapers.  They run around $40 and are so worth the expense!

So now we're pretty set in our cloth diapering, and I am actually really glad we made the switch. 


  1. I don't know how I reared 3 children in cloth diapers, 9 years of diapers, and never had a diaper sprayer. Best invention ever!!! I can't believe how much pressure that little thing has. I live in fear that I will accidentally leave your bathroom door open sometime when I am babysitting. I can just see the twins getting in there and figuring out how to hose down the bathroom.

  2. See I would have cloth diapered if we had had something besides those HORRIBLE plastic pants. These things weren't even around.. Oh wait I just aged myself and am sounding like my mother.. shoot me now

  3. I am at the age that there were NO disposable diapers when I had babies (4). I love the cloth diaper sprayer..Now that is something that would of been worth the cost.. I like the convience of disposable diapers especially when traveling. But I liked the cloth diapers (that's all that was available) lol. I used to hang them on the line. I know this gal that is going to have twins I'm going to show her this blog and show her how easy and ecconomical it would be to use cloth diapers. Thanks~! you are tiggeriffic~!~!


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