Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Love Mysterious, Junky Places

Have you seen the movie Into the Wild?  Or read the book?  I've done both. 
Doesn't this abandoned bus remind you of it?
This bus is on the way to J.P's house, so we walk by it off and on.  It's red and yellow.  No one has lived there in ages.  You can see old shelving and such from the road.
I've always wanted to go explore it, but I don't like to trespass.

To the side of the bus are the remnants of a cabin that was once attached to the bus.
You can still see the old stone chimney.

I have no doubt that one day someone will haul the bus off.
Piece of junk that it is, I confess I will miss it.
It just speaks to my imagination :-)


  1. Baby Girl, isn't that funny? I, too, have wanted to check it out, but knowing it's on "church" property has always kept me at bay...:)JP

  2. OHHHH - I'd be sorely tempted to check THAT out!! It looks so interesting - wonder who lived there in the past? You might find some CLUES....

  3. It DOES remind me of the bus from Into the Wild! Love that book and movie!
    I also like old abandoned things. :)

  4. ;-) My imagination is going wild too. I like to invent all sorts of stories in my daydreams.


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