Saturday, October 16, 2010

I'm In! More thoughts on NYC

I know.  I've know "I'm In" for a while, but when this came in the mail this week I still got excited.  Add that to the current issue of Runner's World magazine which is full of tidbits about the NYC marathon, and I'm jittery with excitement.  At times, I can't sleep at night just thinking about it.  21 days!

Today will be my last long run (and the coolest of all my runs so far - temps are finally feeling like fall).  The 20 miler.  Some might say the dreaded 20 miler.  But I try really hard not to think of it like that.  The night before, I make sure I have new podcasts on my Ipod and I load up my fuel belt with water, Gus (I prefer vanilla) and a few Luna moons (little gummy chews).  I make my pb+j which serves as breakfast before I head out, and I lay out my clothes.  In this way, I just get moving as soon as I get up and don't stop to think about what I'm about to do.  I just go.

Hopefully it'll go smoothly and then I'll be ready to start tapering for the big day. 
I'm a little nervous about injury - tapering can lead to lots of twinges and so forth.  I'm also worried about logistics - getting to the race line that morning and finding my start corral.  I know I can run the distance - I've done the training; it's just all the little details that get me anxious.
I'm also a little sad about leaving the boys.  Not that they won't be in excellent hands - oh I have no doubt about that whatsoever.  It's just that I've never left them overnight before, and I know how much I'll miss them.  But it's going to be fun.  Last time Paul and I had a vacation on our own was in April 2006 - and at that point I was 9 weeks pregnant with Pierce (which resulted in a not-so-great trip -- turns out morning sickness and taking a cruise aren't the best combination).   So I'd say we're overdue for a fun vacation!  And I just can't wait to see NYC by foot :-)


  1. Oh, Baby Girl, you're going to do & be great!!! I am beaming with pride as I write this...:)JP

  2. whoo hoo!! so excited for you!
    will be rooting you on from minnesota : )

    and the scooter tip, i never knew! ha : ) but now we do, thanks : )

  3. I can't WAIT for you to go! Remind me to send you my cell # in case you need me as a go-to resource. :) And if you need any info beforehand that I didn't cover in my interview post, let me know that, too!

  4. Sounds like it's gonna be a great trip!! I know you will do great!!

  5. That first comment must be your mother or dad - how cute.

    Well I am with you too - wishing you the best. I know you're excited.

    I'm proud of you too.

  6. Wow! How exciting! I can't imagine but I am certain you're set...

    Very interesting to hear what you eat. I figured rocket fuel or something...who knew my pb&j was marathon food!

  7. Yay! Can't wait to hear all about it!


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