Friday, October 29, 2010

Memory Lane Friday, Halloween, Part II

Welcome to Memory Lane Friday!  This is a weekly blog carnival to allow you to blog about your memories and link up.  All are welcome, and this week the topic is Halloween.

I already blogged about some of my childhood Halloweens, so now I'll share some of the more recent (well, sort of) with you.  When I was a freshman in college, we decorated our dorm room for Halloween.  Note that this was post psychotic roomie getting the boot ;-)
Local kids came trick or treating through the dorms and we handed out treats.  I dressed as a witch.

One of the best things about going to school in Texas was the proximity to Austin around Halloween.  Austin hosts the largest Halloween street party, on 6th Street (of course).
I dressed as a cat (complete with sparkle pants found at Goodwill).
Paul was a caveman.  Someone gave him the femur of a cow to go with his caveman costume, but it got confiscated by the police.  They said it was a 'weapon'.  Paul isn't the type to go bludgeoning random people with a cow femur, but I guess you can never be to careful, lol.

And here is a picture from 8 or 9 years ago.  I had just finished reading Memoirs of a Geisha and spent a lot of time in Washington D.C. tracking down a kimono.  My friend Beth and I were working up in Arlington at the time, so we walked from our hotel to the Clarendon Ballroom, where my friend Sara was working.  It was a much longer walk than we had anticipated (and Beth had on crazy heels so she ended up taking them off and walking barefoot in the cold), but we had a fun time.

If you'd like to participate in Memory Lane Friday, add your link here:
Don't forget to go visit the other blogs!
Next week is a 'no theme' week.


  1. Those look like fun times!

    LOL, the cow femur!

    Austin must've been a blast, by the way!

  2. You look so cute as a Cat...but you really look great as a Geisha Girl...poor Paul...always the victim!...:)JP

  3. You are a cutie! Bet you still are. Happy Halloween to everyone. Sandie

  4. oooohhh nice sparkly pants! You look gorgeous as a Geisha.

  5. Did you keep those pants?


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