Friday, October 15, 2010

Memory Lane Friday - Halloween

 Memory Lane Friday is a weekly blog carnival where you can blog about your past memories and link up.  Some weeks have themes, some do not, but either way everyone is welcome!  This week's topic is Halloween, Part 1.  As you might guess, I really like Halloween :-)

I guess back in my infancy, parents didn't really dress up babies for Halloween.  Or if they did, they didn't waste film on the cuteness like they do today.  At any rate, I have no pictures of myself before about age 4 or 5 in Halloween costume.

So the earliest pic I have is my witch costume, which my mom made for me.  In addition to looking really green, my cheeks look really puffy, so I'm kind of wondering if I wasn't sick or something.  It was about this age that my mom made the coolest ghost cake for my class at school!  It had this delicious marshmallowy frosting, and the eyeballs were eggshells.  She had put something in the eggshells that she lit on fire, and it made the eyes glow.  I was fascinated by those eyes!  The second picture I am the dog to the left with my friend Erin in the unicorn costume.  I loved my dog costume, but I loved that unicorn costume more, so my mom made me a horse costume the following year.

My favorite memories of trick or treating are from when I was about 10 (sorry, no pics from this age either), because we lived in the best neighborhood ever for collecting candy, and I had fun kids to go door to door with - we would bring home pillowcases and pillowcases full of candy.  Then I would dump it out on the floor and organize it into little piles, depending on type of candy.  I guess Type A tendencies start at a tender age ;-)

This picture is from high school.  My barn had a Halloween costume contest one year.  Chico and I went as Robert E Lee and Traveler.  Yup, I spray painted his mane and tail with black - no worries, it washed out!

Since I have no baby pictures of myself in costume, I offer up last year's peas in pods cuteness.
Cort to the left, Reid to the right.
They won second place in a costume contest at the mall.
Not sure we'll be able to top that!

If you'd like to join in Memory Lane Friday, it's easy!  Grab the button from my side bar and add it to your post.  Then come back and add your URL to McKLinky.  Don't forget to go visit and comment on the other blogs!  Next week's topic is A Spooky Story.


  1. Love the Traveler...and of course, you too!...:)JP

  2. I thought the horse and you as Robert E.Lee was so clever.. I love the idea for the Marshmallow cakes eyes...My halloween memories are so vivid because my mom loved this holiday and we always dressed up and had fun with the nieghbor kids.. Yes, pillow cases full were gathered with candy and yes we sorted them all out in categories. Halloween is coming and my pumpkins are painted.. I'll carve them nearer to the end of the month..

  3. that ghost cakes sounds amazing! Your mom is so creative..must be where you get it from :-)

  4. My mom says I always really liked Halloween, too! ;)

    Sounds like your mom made the BEST cake! That would've been so cool to see!

    I love the Gen. Lee & Traveler costume!

    Awwww, those pea pods are TOO cute! :)

  5. What neat costume pictures! The horse with paint - a great idea for its costume! I like the little peas, too!!!

  6. I love your costumes! Oh and the twins are the cutest little peas in a pod :)

  7. Great costumes! I think I only have 1 picture of me dressed up for Halloween in all those years. Film and developing must not have been cheap back then! lol

    Last year I bought some glow in the dark green spray paint at WM. That would be neat to spray your horses tail with and ride it around at night glowing in the dark! Spooky! lol

    Have a Wonderful Weekend!

  8. You were so cute in your picture! All the costumes were nice.


  9. CUte pics from when you were little. Halloween is so fun! I remember the pillow cases, we would do that too! Ahhh the good days when you didn't have to worry so much about prople giving your kid candy. Two Peas in a pod... the cutest thing EVER!!! : )


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