Monday, October 4, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Circus Theme

This week's Muffin Tin Monday theme was the circus.
We did breakfast.
A berry bear pancake made by Paul.
A clown egg, laid by our chickens.
And the diving horse.  Did you ever see the movie Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken?  I loved that movie as a kid.  In it, there was a girl who rode a horse that dove off a platform into a pool.  Of course, this has since been found unethical.  I don't think it's unethical, though, when it only involves yogurt, graham crackers, and peanut butter ;-)  Plus an inedible horse figurine of course!

Want to participate in Muffin Tin Monday?
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. i always love seeing what you come up with!! i really need to get some of that egg paint, my girls would LOVE that : )


  2. I love Wild Heart Can't be broken. The clown is so cute.

  3. Very creative! I remember that movie and I thought it was really good too!

    Very cute! I can't wait to start on mine. Guess I could use her little playdough cookie cutters or my smaller cookie cutters to do some for now. =)

  4. Those are cute! And a diving horse is unethical? Give me a break....

  5. The clown egg is so wonderful! I hadn't thought to draw on boiled eggs as part of the tin before... so many things it could be! Great inspiration! :)

  6. That is so cute and creative! How old was Pierce when you stared Muffin Tin Monday?

  7. I love, love, love that movie and you did an amazing job building your diving board. Wow so creative, awesome tin!!

  8. I loved that movie as a kid. I am impressed with your creativity. I have some improving to do. My breakfasts usually consist of cereal, sometimes even with milk!

  9. Super cute. I really like the clown egg and pancake.

  10. I meant to ask you earlier...
    How do you come up with all your cute ideas? I've seen a lot of MTM's and am in awe of what you ladies do. I should be getting my stuff soon but hope I can come up with something creative!


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