Monday, October 25, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Halloween, take 2

Last week I did a Halloween muffin tin, but it turns out the Halloween theme was this week!  So here's our second Halloween muffin tin.  A mac and cheese pumkin, a watermelon creature, peas, and two gummy pumpkins sitting on a bologna fence.

Pierce also indulged in some birthday cake: 

Of course we had to do Diego on the cake! 

Participate in Muffin Tin Monday by grabbing the button:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. The mac and cheese pumpkin was such a great idea. The watermelon creature is such fun. Love this tin.

  2. Great tin! I am loving that watermelon creature! Happy Birthday to Pierce!

  3. You are a very clever rabbit~!~! I love to see the Muffin Tin Monday.. The watermelon creature is my favorite. I thought the balogna fence was cute too. I love the birthday boy, Pierce..the cake looks good.

  4. Such a cute tin! Hope your son had a great Birthday!

  5. Great idea on adding a face to the pumpkin mac and cheese and your watermelon creature is too cute. Happy birthday to your Pierce!

  6. I love your muffin tin creative!!

  7. love this tin! that mac & cheese pumpkin is so cute! I hope Pierce had a great birthday! love the cupcakes too!

  8. Happy happy Birthday to Pierce! Four is a fun, fun year.

  9. Great tin! Very creative. Everything looks so yummy and so did his cake! =)

  10. You ought to write a child's recipe book! sandie


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