Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch - A Four Year Old's View

We went to the Pumpkin Patch at Layman Farm.  Mom and Dad and me.  And those two annoying twin brothers of mine.

I'm four years old.

Dad chased me in the corn maze.

When I got tired, I rode on Daddy's shoulders.

I'm four years old.  Today.  It's a big deal.

I went in the corn crib, and it was really crowded.  I kept trying to steal other kids' trucks.  Mom would tell me to wait my turn, and then I'd pretend I didn't hear her.

I'm four years old.

I begged and begged and begged to ride the cow train, which I remembered from last year.  I was starting to get a total complex over whether or not I was going to get to ride.  Right that minute.

I rode in Gertie and refused to look at Mom, who was taking the pictures.

I'm four years old. 

This year there was a new attraction at the pumpkin farm - a jumping pillow!

Check out my breakdance moves!  I'm such a great jumper!  And I'm four years old!

Jumping is kinda hard when big kids knock you down.  So I just laid on the pillow and let them bounce me all over the place.

I pet this sheep.  I think he was on Charlotte's Web.  It's a great movie, but I like Diego better. 

Oh, this is my favorite part!
I loved this tunnel slide.  It's fast and bumpy.
Daddy went down with me once.

Here I am enjoying my applesauce snack and pumping water.  I can multitask like that.  Because, in case I didn't mention it - I'm four years old! 


  1. Adorable. I love the reference to I'm four years old. Amira did that for months when she turned four. Too cute!

  2. I sometimes wish I, too, was four years old!...:)JP

  3. Wow! Four-year-olds get to do such fun stuff!!

  4. You make me feel so good.. Ben being almost 4 is a lot like this. especially when it comes to taking the pictures. How are you suppose to have a Kodak moment if they don't look at you? Yikes.
    I loved your blog today~ I loved the idea, I'm four years old...your hubby going down the slide with him, chasing him through the corn maze. Those are male bonding moments. Have a great Thursday, wish I lived close to you and JP to have a cup of tea and listen to all your adventures, and sit on Jp's porch.. ta ta for now.

  5. That looks like incredible fun! My son is now 6. When we tell him not to do something he shouldn't do and did in the past he always says "that was when I was 4 years old"! lol "I'm not 4 anymore and I don't do that"! lol Yeah right!

    Have a Great Day!

  6. Lol I love that this is from his point of view. Looks like you had fun little man!

  7. Great post! I love it and loved reading it from his point of view! Looks like he did a lot of fun stuff!!

    Maddie keeps telling me she doesn't want to turn four, she wants to stay 3 1/2!

  8. what a fun way to spend a 4th birthday!!

    cow trains are the best -- we have one at our favorite orchard too : )

  9. Looks like he had a great time! sandie


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