Thursday, October 21, 2010

There's a Monster on my Plate!

Don't you just love the Mercer Mayer books?  They are fun and often hit home with childhood fears.  We like them all, but one of our favorites is There's Something In My Attic.

In this story, there is a monster in the attic, and he comes to steal the little girl's teddy.  She decides to fight back by attempting to lasso the monster and take him to her parents' bedroom.

So Pierce enjoyed a monster turkey burger with his fries and broccoli.
He ate the eyes first.  He just loves olives and pickles.

Then we got some sheets of magnet out to make some  magnet monsters for our fridge. 
We made different expressions for the monster. 
Pierce really likes switching out the faces.

To see more fun ways of making books come alive, check out JDaniel4sMom:

Shibley Smiles


Mere said...

Grady and I love that book....or rather, I love the book, Grady loves to try to eat the pages... :-)

warren said...

That's super awesome!

My Mad World said...

What a cute book! Love the monster sandwich and the faces on the fridge! Too fun!

Tiggeriffic said...

I just chuckled when I saw the magnet monster.. Oh that is so good. I'm trying to find things for Ben to do that is more fullfilling than playing nintendo.. He loves toy story.
I went to and she has a ton of things to do with children. You girls are amazing~! I love the monster meals.. Goodness to be your brain is active~~~! I Love It~!~! must be all that running...

Chatty Crone said...

That sandwich you made for Pierce is ADORABLE!


Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...


Anonymous said...

I love the sandwich. He is so much fun. The magnet is a great idea. I will have to try this with JDaniel. Thanks for being a reader, explorer and learner.

Meredith said...

love this idea...Adrian would love the monster magnets...and your bentos this week were so cute. I ordered that Bear bento box was one of the more boyish things I've seen lately.

Jeremi said...

Fun tie-ins!!

Together Time 4 Families said...

Perfect for spooky Halloween lunch with the kids! Must try it. Thanks for sharing your ideas

Anonymous said...

I had to come check it out again.