Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yes, We're Still Doing Bento!

I've been making bentos for Pierce twice a week now, for well over a month, but tend to forget to post pictures and/or blog about them.
The above bento is one of the ones we ordered special from Japan.  As Two Bears Farm, we had to have a bear bento.

Inside, I stuffed it with a smiley heart of rice with a panda full of soy for flavoring, 2 kiwi bears, baby corn and sugar snap peas.
The bottom tier had a bear egg, Annie's gummy bunnies, and skewers of olives and cheese.

This is another cute one we did in our pig bento box.  The top tier had grapes and raisins (forgot to take a pic) and the bottom tier had baby birds in a stir fry nest.  I got this idea from JDaniel4sMom, who had a link to (which then had a whole list of fun bento ideas). 

Whenever I draw faces on food, it's with my food writers.  They make making food fun so much easier :-)


  1. You are so clever.. I just love all the Bento things..and how good you make all the food look. This would of been good when I was taking care of my Mom who had cancer. She didn't like eating and if the food looked this good maybe she would of at least tried eating.. I have taken some of your ideas and tried them on Ben.. My hubby thinks I'm crazy.. That's O.K. I say~ at least Ben is trying to eat more food.
    Just a note: Ben has me read the Halloween book that I won from you every time I'm with him... HE loves that book.. Now he is matching the pumpkins, cats, ghosts that are on the page. There are 2 of each.. Thanks for the book~! All those things that were in that Package are being used daily...just wanted you to know...

  2. That is so cute!! I'll bet Pierce has so much fun eating these!

  3. OMG! That is so cute! My kids would want me to make them special things everyday if I did that. They won't eat some of the foods you have in yours though. My 6 yr old boy came home from school last month and asked me why I don't cut his sandwich in triangles anymore. I got in trouble for that because the other kids moms are doing that for their lunches and I hadn't been. I'm doing it now! lol

    Have a Great Day!

  4. The bear box looks like it was custom made for you. I love the meals they are so cute. The link you mentioned has so many great ideas. I keep going back to it too.

  5. A runner, an entry in the NYC Marathon and an artist!!!You are quite a bundle, aren't you?..:)JP

  6. TOO cute. Why don't I have food writers? I really need to get some. What brand are you using? Adorable meals. :) I think my lil one would love them!

  7. So cute!! Great job and so creative! OK, I have got to get some more cutters and cups and some food markers now! lol

  8. OMG that is amazing - do your children eat all that good food? My grandson - well let's just say he doens't. Looks great though.



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