Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Day in the Big Apple

Yesterday I woke up ridiculously early, and couldn't get back to sleep.  So we were on the streets searching for a bagel shop first thing. We found an excellent one around the corner from our hotel.

Paul and I in Times Square - practically the only folks out aside from the street sweepers, around 6:30 am. 

Oh yeah, a sesame bagel with lox.  I would eat these all day.  And never get tired of them.  I totally plan to eat another for breakfast before we leave. 

The expo opened at 9.  We walked down (around a 10 block walk) and were there when the doors opened. 

After grabbing my number and shirt: 

The expo was huge!  We spent over an hour walking up and down the aisles, adding to our goodie bag.  I did buy a short sleeved technical running shirt and some gloves.  I had Paul buy a bright orange pair of arm sleeves for me as a Christmas gift (I'm always on the lookout for orange running gear so that hunters can see me).  Here's an overview of the expo: 

Walking back to the hotel.  Paul on bottom left, Hell's Kitchen flea market on the road straight ahead. 

We didn't get very much downtime before heading back to the expo.  See, Paul wanted to score the tickets for the Blues Traveler concert, and we had to be there at 12:30 sharp. This time, instead of walking, we rode the shuttle.
Paul got his tickets, and then we went to go hear Deena Kastor speak.
After she spoke, she did signings, so I had her sign my race number: 

Then, finally, around 2 pm we grabbed lunch.  I went for the Cuban food at a place called Havana's. 

We had plans to meet up with a college friend for some pizza, but he kind of flaked out on us (hmmm...he hasn't changed much since college ;-)).  Good Girl Gone Redneck was kind enough to recommend some pizza places to me, so we walked over to John's.  Sadly, the wait there was 90 minutes, so we decided to pass.  We just went to a place called A Slice of New York.  I had a piece of eggplant parmesan pizza and a slice of spinach florentine pizza.
It was great, but the slices were too huge for me to finish. 
So much energy in this city, but, back to the hotel early to rest up before Sunday's race.


  1. Baby Girl, what's your bib #? Is that 8-343 or 3-343?...:)JP

  2. Oh no! Sorry that the wait was too long. Hope you had a decent slice. And yeah, they can be too huge, definitely! Especially when you get them loaded with stuff. If you go for more, grab a plain cheese slice and sit back and enjoy a taste of heaven. ;) Thinking of you this morning!!! Go, Mama, Go!!!

  3. What an adventure you are having.. I can hardly wait to hear about the race...I think you are the first person I have ever known that has run in this race..Good Luck to you and I'm sure Paul will take lots of pictures for us to see. Well be praying for you ~! and cheering you on here in Iowa~!~!

  4. Mmmm the food looks great! Gosh by the time I got to comment I think you've already run. I hope that it was awesome & that your foot didn't bother you.

  5. Sorry I didn't read this earlier. Looks like a great time. I will have to go see how everything went!

  6. You and hubby look like you are having a really nice day in New York - can't say I like lox though - lol. sandie


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