Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving, and Ideas for Leftover Cranberry Sauce

Happy Thanksgiving!
This morning my family will be running in a local 5K to start off the day.  It'll be my first race pushing the twins in the jogging stroller, so it won't be a very fast one for me!  I'll post a race report later.

So being that it's Thanksgiving, I want to talk about cranberries.
I used to hate them.
Wouldn't touch them.
I think it's one of those tastes you grow into with age.  Because all the sudden one day I had a deep appreciation for cranberries.
But. (Isn't there always a but?)
They must be homemade.
I don't like canned, and I don't really like the jellied type.
So I follow the recipe on the bag - 3 cups cranberries to 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar.
You boil them for 10 minutes.
I love hearing them pop open as they cook.
I use a potato masher to squish them a bit at the end.
Let it cool, and it solidifies some.
Cranberries are such a powerhouse berry!
I make a triple batch - one to take to Thanksgiving and two to freeze (it freezes quite well).  Because cranberries are good in all sorts of situations.
Try the sauce:
stirred into oatmeal
over pancakes instead of syrup (our favorite treat)
on ice cream
on a sandwich with peanut butter
stirred into apple pie before baking

So don't throw away the leftovers!  Embrace the cranberry :-)
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  1. WHen cranberries come on sale in early fall. I start buying them and putting them in the freezer. I love cranberries year around..
    I love to make cookies with dried cranberries, cranberry bread. I'm sure the list would go on and on.. Enjoy your day with family and friends.
    Have a great Thanksgiving~!~! ta ta for now from Iowa...26 degrees this morning..

  2. I LOVE cranberries too...that just made me salivate!!...:)JP

  3. Sounds yummy!

    Have a great Thanksgiving ---

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! May you have a great and blessed day!

    Great recipes but I don't like cranberry sauce. I will pass this on to my mom though! lol

  5. My husband mixes my homemade cranberry sauce into his dressing that he makes along with some pecans, apples, onions and celery. He loves it!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. I never even considered making homemade cranberry sauce. Mmmmm that sounds sooooo good!


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