Thursday, November 11, 2010

Leaves. They're Meant for Jumping.

The day after we got back from NYC was just gorgeous.  Temps in the low 70s, and I was totally ready for some warm sun.
While we were gone, the leaves on the trees in the mountains seem to have peaked, and the reds and yellows are stunning.
At the same time, our land gathers and collects the leaves as they fall, saving them for this:

Buried in leaves! 

Pierce kept asking me to jump in with him, but I was too sore.  Plus, I was TOTALLY wigged out by this huge garden spider I had to flick off Pierce's FACE.  It was the size of an orange.  I know I'm going to have nightmares tonight.
Oddly, Pierce didn't seem to mind. 


  1. That's the way Autumn needs to be enjoyed!!! Just JUMP IN!

  2. The "Pierce head" picture is awesome...and way to go on the "no fear of a spider" too!

  3. Fall behind and leaves jump in! sandie

  4. I love the picture of Pierce all covered up to his head in leaves!

  5. Oh...I don't do spiders either, Baby Girl!...:)JP

  6. Spiders are better than snakes.. That is a big spider on Pierce's head.. Yikes~! I had a huge spider in the bathroom this morning ~ I gathered it up in a Kleenex and took it outside... that is where they should live . Snakes ? I pick up with tongs if they get in my house which they have a few times.. they give me the willies...

  7. Too Adorable!!! Love your photos...and yes! Leaves were made for jumping:)))

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  8. That looks like SOOOO much fun & what GREAT pictures you got, but OMG a spider that freakin big would have made me die! You are at least lucky, you've got a bunch of boys to do all your spider disposal for you here in a few years.


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