Monday, November 1, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - the Halloween Loot

Today is Muffin Tin Monday, and I confess that I didn't follow the theme.  Maybe next week!
Instead, I used a mini muffin tin to display Pierce's Halloween candy.
A fun way for him to pick his candy.  He gets to pick one treat after meals.  He tends to go after the lollipops.
I was dismayed that he didn't get a single Reese cup.  Not one!  What is the world coming to?  Now I'm going to have to go buy some on Halloween clearance.

Here are Reid and Cort in their costumes: 

And here is Pierce in his.
Howdy, Partner! 

If you'd like to participate in Muffin Tin Monday, just click:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. What a great idea for his candy!!!...JP:)

  2. I love that idea of making a candy selection board, almost like a candy store. A great way to spread out the sugar rush over several days. Does the muffin tin display of candy stay out until the candy runs out?

  3. I love the costumes. I decided JDaniel needs candy identification training for next year. He didn't pick any Snickers or peanut butter cups.

  4. Now that's a muffin tin my kids would BEG for! LOL!

  5. They are so cute in their costumes!!

    You know, Livie didn't pick/get any peanut butter cups, either!!

  6. We gave out Reeses cups. And cute way to display the candy. And the kids - awe!


  7. Loved Pierce's costume.. Cute Cute Cute~!..
    I called Tracie (Ben's mom) and told her about the muffin tin idea for the candy.. That is so good. Have a great Monday.. sunny in Iowa 52 degrees today.

  8. I think I'll make myself a muffin tin just like this one! When I saw the picture, I did giggle a bit. Too cute! Your little ones' costumes were adorable!

  9. Great idea! And OMG! We only got ONE Reeses! So I totally get you. And I think I made sure I grabbed one out of a bowl, so we'd have one. ;) Tee hee. I guess my lil one recognizes M&Ms easier!

  10. The kiddos are too cute!!

    Maddie didn't get any PB cups either :( Was hoping to steal at least 1!! lol

  11. that is a fun idea for the candy! i am chowing own as i type. #badmommy

    i LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics. and halloween.

    how can you have a proper halloween w/o reese's? sheesh. what is the world coming to?

  12. Udderly adorable costumes!!

    Great tin! My kids would say this is the BEST ONE EVER! :)

  13. I agree each girl only got ONE Reesest his year, but they did get a few Snickers so mama's The kiddos all look so adorable but Pierce's is awesome with his horsey!

  14. what a great way to display and organize halloween candy!! and CUTE pics : ) good luck with your foot/marathon, i can't even imagine.

  15. What a great way to have him pick his candy. It sure beats the way my girls have been doing it... dumping the whole bag out each time they get to pick something. ha!
    Your boys look adorable. Love their costumes!!!

  16. Your boys are adorable and I love your blog design!

    Just wanted to say "hi." I found you from Muffin Tin Mom's blog. :)

    Tamara from
    a southerner, a yankee and a mixed breed (or two!)


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