Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Post Marathon and A Blues Traveler Concert

After finishing the marathon, I met up with Paul on 75th and Columbus.  Here is my bling:
We had over 20 blocks to walk back to our hotel, but I wanted to walk instead of taking a cab because I've found it really helps to prevent soreness.  After a marathon, you'll be sore regardless, but I'm the least sore if I walk a lot afterwards.
I was starving, having just run 26.2 and not having had lunch, so we stopped off at a McDonald's.  I ordered a #2.  I saw it flash across the register as a two cheeseburger meal.  I was like huh?  Then I looked at the board.  My beloved quarterpounder w/ cheese meal is a #3 in NYC.  Strange, I thought #2 was universal!  ;-)

When we got back to the hotel I grabbed a shower and only got to sit for a bit before it was time to head out again.  Even though it had only been a couple of hours, I was starving again!  We went to a Cafe Europa, where they had the most gorgeous cupcakes: 
I was craving veggies, though, so I opted for an avocado tomato sandwich and some pineapple juice instead.  Pineapple juice actually helps alleviate inflammation.  And it tasted soooo good.

Then finally it was time for the Blues Traveler concert.  It was at the Hammerstein Ballroom, about an 11 block walk from our hotel.  It was a private concert and party, just for marathoners.  They showed a neat video of the race before the concert.  There were maybe 500 people who came out.
See, I clean up after a race ;-) 

Paul is a huge fan of Blues Traveler, so he was thrilled to get to see them live. 

I was pretty tired and wanted to get off my feet, so I sat down on the floor propped up by a wall (they didn't have seats).  Although I couldn't see much from where I was, I enjoyed just listening. Meanwhile, Paul went right up front and got this close up: 

I finished off the day with yet more food (oink, oink), a slice of NY cheesecake: 
What an absolutely perfect day.


  1. The cheesecake and cupcakes look great! I can't believe you were up and moving after the race. I would be cocooning under covers sleeping.

  2. what an experience -- conagratulations : )

  3. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time! Congrats, again!

  4. Smart to keep moving, Baby Girl and as far as MickyD's is concerned..."leave it to the New Yorkers" to change a good thing!!...:)JP

  5. You are not only a great runner you and Paul are great walkers..Walk,walk,walk. Food tastes so much better after a big huge hike and being outside. You can't go to NY without having the cheesecake.. yum yum... Congratulations on running the Marathon ~ what an achievement. I'll bet your family are so proud of you.. I know I am..Ta Ta For Now from Iowa

  6. How neat! I am sure the concert was great!!! Glad you had such a good time!

  7. Congratulations on yet another marathon. Glad you were able to finish even with the bad foot. Your posts were so much fun to read, I can tell you enjoyed your time in NY. Thanks for taking us along on the virtual field trips.

  8. Congratulations on finishing your marathon. Marathon runners truly amaze me. I don't think I could ever do that. I think you earned the right to eat ALL DAY LONG and not have to worry about it. I love cheesecake too! :) Glad your day was so great!

  9. Gee girl! I couldn't even keep up with you on the walking trail either! I just don't think I could walk 20 blocks to anywhere for anything. Sigh.... True though unfortunately....

  10. What a greaet experience and good time. Sandie

  11. It sure sounds perfect!
    And yay for the marathon! Congratulations!

  12. Your medal is gorgeous. Does it make me lame that I got all teary eyed every time the news showed someone crossing the finish line. What an accomplishment. You should be SOOO proud! Love the pic of you & Paul, you two are adorable together! Oh & the food... I want a little of everything!

  13. Way to go! And you do clean up real nice!

  14. Only just seeing this post now, but so glad you got some NYC cheesecake before returning home. Wanna meet me for a girls' weekend in NYC sometime? I think it'd be a BLAST!


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