Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Disgruntled Snow Babies

We got some snow last week.  I decided to let the boys go out to play and get some fresh air.
It's quite a task getting 3 boys layered up in snow bibs, gloves, hats, and boots.

This is Reid's "I can't get up" expression.  He didn't seem to care, and just laid there placidly on the floor while I got everyone else dressed. 

Once I got them out, Reid took off into the snow in pure joy.
Cort....not so much. 
Check out all the wood piled up for my nemesis, the wood stove.  Paul did a good job chopping - and we go through it so fast.

Pierce swooped in to give Reid a kiss. 

Reid was having a fine time running on the snow.  As was Pierce.  But where was Cort? 

As it turned out, Cort was mad.  Cort didn't like the snow, and he stayed under the porch roof and refused to walk on the snow.
So, being the mean mom that I am, I carried him out onto the snow.
He started complaining about this immediately. 

Pierce went and tried to give him a hug to make him feel better.
But Cort was a lost cause. 
It was right after this that Cort started screaming.  And screaming.  And I took him inside and he screamed some more.  For an hour more.
I got the point.
No more snow for Cort.  For a good long while.
At least I can empathize.  I hate winter too, Cort. 

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  1. I don't blame Cort. Snow is cold, but it is such fun too. Hope to read your Christmas list.

  2. When my kids were two years old we took them to see snow for the first time and they hated it! They just did not like the cold. Last year went much better and this year they ask us all the time when can they have another snowball fight! They are so cute!

  3. Cute pictures, sorry Cort didn't think it was too fun. I have pictures of Sassyfras and Juiciness all bundled up for their first snow and they weren't too sure about it either.

  4. Haha!!!!! Oh too funny:))
    Sorry - but it brought back memories of my kids' snow days when it was more work to bundle up than it was almost worth:))
    Good for you for going to all that work;)

  5. Ben loves the snow, he lays in it, runs in it and makes snow angels BUT when that snow gets on his hands he doesn't like it one bit..THen He will put on the gloves..
    I think it's interesting how one boy loves the snow and one DOES NOT>> cute..
    Have a great day..ta ta for now from Iowa

  6. They look so sweet all bundled up like that! Too bad Cort doesn't like snow. My son loves it. He was going outside twice a day when it first snowed! lol

    Merry Christmas!

  7. They look so cute in their snow gear! I'm sorry Cort didn't like the snow. Maybe next year!

    And bravo to the hubby for chopping all the wood and organizing it. :)

  8. i take care of 2 1/2 year old twins a few days a week, and we have A LOT of snow in minnesota, so that's always a part of our winter days. it takes at least 20mn to get everyone ready to head out, someone ALWAYS has to go to the bathroom once everyone is all dressed (even though they all go before we get started), and when it's really cold out we wind up staying out for less time than it takes to get ready. sigh. i know what you went through : )

    but your boys are SO cute -- and a bundled little one that can't really move is always adorable.


    p.s. cort will probably be a snowboarder when he's older ....

    : )i

  9. :) They're so cute all bundled up!
    Hanna absolutely hates being bundled. Once she's in the snow having fun though, she gets better.

  10. Awe poor Cort! But boy do they look super cute in thier snow bibs though :)


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