Thursday, December 9, 2010

Homemade Heath Bars

This recipe is from Mom's Big Book of Cookies. 
Ridiculously easy to make, they taste exactly like Heath bars.
Now that I know I can make my own heath bars in 10 minutes, I'm in trouble.

Stir 6 tbsp. butter w/ 1/4 cup brown sugar over low-medium heat until sugar is dissolved.
Pour in 8x8 pan (you may want to place down some aluminum foil to make cleanup easier) that has been lined with...graham crackers!  You may need to cut the graham crackers to get them to fit right.  Bake at 375* for 10 minutes or until bubbling.
Sprinkle 1/2 cup of chocolate chips on top, return to oven for 2 minutes.
Spread melted chips across top.
Add chopped pecans if desired.
Refridgerate until firm and cut into bars.
These are so yummy, and have the potential for creativity (use white chocolate or butterscotch chips, etc.)

I'm linking this recipe up with Mere's Foodie Friday.  You can find her HERE.


  1. Umm pardon me while I drool on your page and steal this recipe lol

  2. I think I could inhale these.

  3. Yummy! I'm afraid I may eat the whole pan if I made these!

  4. You always have awesome recipes!!!

  5. You are so mean, Baby Girl! There go (or should I say grow?) my hips!!!...:)JP

  6. Oh MAN! I KNEW I should have clicked off your page the instant I saw that chocolate covered with nuts. You're killing me! Great. Now I will have to try this! ;)

  7. These are good~! A gal from our church makes them every year and gives them as presents. I am glad to say I get one of the boxes. I love them~!
    ta ta for now..from Iowa
    Home in the Hollow ~ I loved her comment... lol
    She must be a fun neighbor~!

  8. Oh, boy! There's a lot of us in trouble now. ;-) Keep those recipes coming though. This is one of the reasons why God invented the great outdoors.

  9. I love Heath Bars! It's been years since I've had one. Who knew they would be that easy to make! I'm bookmarking this for future use!



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