Monday, December 20, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Holidays!

It's Muffin Tin Monday, and this is the last in the holiday series.  I used our snowman tin for the first time.
I made one of those cute crescent roll wreaths that so many of you have made, a banana pudding snowman, lentils with broccoli, corn, pretzels, and a reindeer hotdog.  Kind of a goofy tin, even by my standards!

Have you entered my giveaway I posted from yesterday yet?  If not, go enter to win yoga fitness dvds and mats for you and your child!  You can enter by clicking HERE!

And to join in on Muffin Tin Monday, click here:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. I love the reindeer. I think Buddha liked it too, so we may have that today! Awesome tin.

  2. I love your wreath. The reindeer is so cute. I will need to make one for JDaniel.

  3. I love the reindeer.. The last time I monkeyed with Ben's hotdog I made it to look like a octopus.. HE was very disgrundled.. He wouldn't eat it...
    I found red swords thingys the other day at the store.. I thought these would be good for him to stab at his food and eat it.. I think that is the best way to get kids to eat..toothpicks or these sword thingys.. wal-mart is where you find them...
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  4. CUTE and fun : ) i get so many ideas from you .... my daughters say thanks!

  5. I too love the reindeer, but also agree with Tigger my girls will not eat their hot dogs if I money with them. Merry Christmas!

  6. Your reindeer is cute as a button! Nice work my dear! Have a blessed Christmas!

  7. Loving the reindeer hotdog! Everything looks very yummy, Happy MTM :)

  8. Your tin is so cute! I love the wreath and the hot dog.

  9. A reindeer hotdog? You have gone over the edge!!! LOL!!!...:)JP

  10. Great ideas! My daughter LOVES when I shape-up her food, so I'll have to try this! (Just found some nitrate-free turkey dogs, so we'll see how she likes them!)


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