Monday, December 6, 2010

Make Your Own Snowman - Muffin Tin Monday

Today is Muffin Tin Monday, and the theme is Christmas.

So we had a build your own snowman breakfast.
Wine berry pancakes (picked and frozen last summer) with chocolate chips (for buttons), cranberry sauce (for a scarf), honey pretzels of assorted lengths (for arms), and an orange starburst (to shape as a carrot nose).  Fun breakfast, huh?

I posted a kid-oriented holiday giveaway yesterday (in celebration of my upcoming blogiversary) and you only need to be a follower and post a comment to enter - go check it out!

To participate in Muffin Tin Monday, go here:
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Do you stay awake at night thinking of these things? That is just too darn cute!...:)JP

Christina said...

I love this! Who ever said you shouldn't play with your food. ;) How fun!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like we weren't the only ones building a meal. This looks and sounds wonderful.

SnoopyGirl said...

What a fun idea! I just love it! I always tag my Muffin Tin Meals as 'Play with your food!' LOL! Happy Muffin Tin Monday my dear!

Rebecca said...

Soooo creative!! LOVE it.

Jessica said...

I love the idea of building a meal, so cute! We did a Christmas book theme, hop over to my blog to enter a Christmas Giveaway of MTM foods!!!

Anonymous said...

Get out of here! That is soooo cute! I'm going to do this for Saturday breakfast!

Chatty Crone said...

What time do you get up in the morning to do this - but you don't have anyone in school yet. Those are so cute! sandie

admin said...

OMG! This is by far my favorite! I have to try this with the after-schoolers! What fun! Following from MTM. Hope you'll visit me too.

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Great idea to make you own snowman, my girls would love it! Happy MTM :)

Meredith said...

yummy!!! I made pancakes this morning too...I'll have to do something like this with my boys soon. A would love it!

Mariah said...

Cute idea and looks like lots of fun!

Myya said...

I am stealing this one FOR SURE!!! My girls thank you in advance :)

kewkew said...

Oooooo, another creative interactive meal. So cute!! Sounds yummy too.

Jeremi said...

fun!!! definitely doing a version of this over here!!

Melissa said...

Precious! :o)