Friday, December 10, 2010

Memory Lane Friday - Favorite Holiday Food

Memory Lane Friday is a weekly blog carnival where you can blog about your memories and link up.  All are welcome.  This week the theme is a favorite holiday food.

It is tremendously difficult for me to pick just one food.  I have already blogged about my grandmother Lin Lin's macaroni and cheese.  Which was truly my favorite food on earth.  Here is the Christmas tree from my grandparents' house in the 80s.  I have their tree ornaments, but was way too scared to put them on the tree this year due to the twin-factor.
In addition to macaroni and cheese, I always loved my Granny Besse's fried apple pies.  She'd wrap them individually in saran wrap, and you'd open it up to the most delicate pastry stuffed with apples.  Ah, the memories!  We would eat until we couldn't move. 

While I was scanning some old holiday photos, I found this picture of my brother, Taylor, the year he got his first tape recorder.
I know how much Taylor enjoys making surprise appearances on my blog (like HERE), so I decided to include this picture. 
For the next 6 months we were subjected to Chicago's You're the Inspiration forty times a day. 
It was enough to take away the largest of holiday appetites.

Want to participate in Memory Lane Friday?  It's easy!  Just link up your website below, and then go visit others' links and leave them a comment.
Next week's topic is A Favorite Holiday Movie. 


  1. Haha...nothing like the 80's!!!!!
    I have decorations from my grandpa who has long since passed.....They crumble if I try to take them out of their box they are that old.
    Aren't they wonderful to have though?
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  2. Fried apple pies sounds wonderful. My grandmother used to make apple pie that would melt in your mouth.

  3. YUM! Those apple pastry things sound great! Do you have the recipe, Baby Girl?...:)JP

  4. Those fried apple pies sound delish! Mmmm!

    That's awesome that you have your grandparents' ornaments. How cool.

    Hahahaha! I loved "Your the Inspiration" back in the day.

  5. HAHA...i'll make sure Taylor reads your post today :-)

  6. I think I might participate some time in the future. I want to write more about events from the past that might interest the kiddos one day. :)

    I love your Christmas tree from the 80's!

  7. That took me down memory lane myself! I remember when I got my first tape recorder. That's all it did was play or record a tape. No radio which wasn't invented yet. I also got a cassette tape of Lionel Ritchie. I think it just had 2 songs on it! lol I never did get any more cassettes. lol The funny things we remember!

    Thanks for bringing back a good and funny memory from my childhood!

  8. If I remember correctly, that song was from the Karate Kid, which would be a completely normal thing for a young boy to like.Although, there are probably manlier songs on the Karate Kid sound track.


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