Friday, December 17, 2010

Memory Lane Friday - Favorite Holiday Movie

Memory Lane Friday is a weekly blog carnival, where you can blog about your memories and link up.  All are welcome.  This week's theme is a favorite holiday movie.

I was sitting in health class my 7th grade year, tapping the floor with my pink and white Tretorns, when Ms. Hall walked in class and announced that there would be a special treat.  Last time she'd informed us we'd have a 'special treat' was when Officer Mike came to class and showed us his billboard of what all the illegal drugs looked like.  Then he had this girl Shelly drink Scope and blow in a breathalizer.  Now while this trick impressed many of the baseball jocks that sat on the right hand side of the room, I wasn't so enthralled.  So I pulled out a sheet of my hot pink notebook paper and started writing a note to my best friend Chelsea about how lame class was, how bad Ms. Hall's hair looked today, and whether or not she had seen Rudy yet (her epic crush). 

I didn't even look up when Ms. Hall wheeled the tv/vcr cart into the room.  I was too busy drawing a horse in the margins of my note to Chelsea.  Ms. Hall waved a vcr tape in front of the class and announced, "Today, we're not going to study health.  I'm giving you a break.  We're going to watch A Christmas Story".  Cheers broke out in the class.  Me?  I was clueless.  I'd never even heard of the movie.  Granted, this was December, so it was fitting, but I was imagining some story about the Nativity when I heard the title. 

Over the next hour, I watched A Christmas Story raptly.  Hands down, it was one of the funniest movies I'd ever seen.  Better, even, than my all time favorite Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  I laughed so hard my cheeks hurt.  That note I was so intent on writing?  Completely abandoned.  I was taken in by Ralphie and Randy and their antics.  We weren't able to get through the entire movie before the bell rang, but Ms. Hall did make good on her promise by showing us the second half two days later.  And it's always been one of my favorite movies ever since.

Want to link up to Memory Lane Friday?  Just add your website to McKLinky.

Be sure to visit the other participants' blogs and leave comments!
Next week's topic is 'Holiday Traditions'. 


  1. My husband loves to quote this movie. Have a great weekend!

  2. AH! Excellent choice, Baby Girl! One of my favorites...:)JP

  3. Haha! It IS a funny movie. How cool that you got to watch it during class. How appropriate that you watched it during Health class, because laughing is good for you!

    Oh, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off is great!

  4. I like how you have such vivid memories of that day in class! :)

  5. Do you have it on DVD? If you don't you must get it! We watch it all the time before Christmas. The dad cussing with such funny swear words is just hilarious! And that leg lamp! lol Fragile! lol I sent a package to a friend Tuesday. I wrote "Fragile" on it. It's not fragile but I had to do it in honor of Christmas Story. I told that to the clerk at the post office who was checking me out and she got the biggest laugh out of it!

    I also wanted to do a theme tree this year with just things about that movie. Maybe next year! I do have the wrapping paper!

    Merry Christmas!

  6. Angela, yes, we do have it on dvd. It's one of the few movies I can watch over and over again!

  7. Ohh I love Christmas Story! I was clueless about thst movie too when all my friends talked about it!

  8. It's one of those rare movies that appeals to every age. Even my 4-year-olds laugh at certain moments.

    My husband spotted that hideous lamp at some store, but then he couldn't remember where he saw it! I'd buy it just to put it up in the window every Christmas!

  9. My fav too!!! When I read the title of your blog I was hoping it would be A Christmas Story! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!


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