Saturday, December 18, 2010

Needle in a Haystack Christmas Lights

Last weekend after feasting on appetizers at my running club's annual Christmas party, we decided to track down the hidden Christmas lights.
Why are they 'hidden'?
Well, these lights are way down the backroads.
When I say backroads, I mean backroads.
Hairpin turns.
Winding, stomach churning hills and turns.
And every year when we make the drive, we always wonder, "Are we on the right road?"
and furthermore, "How did we even find this place anyhow?"
Tracking the place down is like finding a needle in a haystack.
But finally, a distant gleaming glow in the distance
and we approach:

This guy has transformed the hills, the woods, and the fields of his land into a lights extravaganza: 
It's truly fantastic, and such a shame that it's in the middle of nowhere and missed by the masses: 
But for us, it keeps us coming back, year after year.
It's only a few miles from us, but it feels like an epic adventure each year trying to find the hidden lights.


  1. So, Baby Girl, do we have an address that I can use in the GPS?...:)JP

  2. Oh wow! That's really neat! I can't imagine that work that goes into setting it up. Love the round pen with horses! :)

  3. The lights look great! I'm sure the kids loved them!

    Merry Christmas!

  4. How fun!!! It is a shame that it's in the middle of nowhere, but how fun for you guys!
    Hanna would LOVE those!

  5. Can you imagine flying in a airplane and looking down to the ground.. What a beautiful sight that would be to see all these lights.
    We have a guy close by our house that decorated for Christmas.. Oh my it's so beautiful~! He's way out in the boonies too..
    Thanks for taking pic's...they were great to see.
    ta ta for now from Iowa....

  6. This. Is. Simply. A. Maz. Ing. :o)

  7. Oh my gosh that is amazing! What a fun treat for the holiday season!!


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