Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November Fitness Recap

November went by so fast!  It was a full month for us.  I ran 3 races (New York City marathon, Star City Half marathon, and Drumstick Dash 5K).  However, when I wasn't racing, my mileage was much lower than it has been the previous few months.  Time to let the body recover a bit from racing.  My knees are still bothering me, as is a spot on the bottom of my right foot, just under the toes.  That area got numb during the half marathon, and I started wiggling my toes as I ran, and I think I may have sprained it.  I'm a little surprised it hasn't improved yet, to tell you the truth.  Strange area to cause problems.  I have been taking glucosamine for 3 weeks now, in hopes that it will help my knees.  Since I'm backing off a bit on my running, I'm picking up a bit on my cross training. 
Total running mileage = 80
Weightlifting x 3
Yoga x 4
Ab work x 5

I'm trying to decide whether to back off even more on the running to try to help things recover (and maybe start focusing more on speedwork when I do run, as I need to work on improving my times) or whether I should try to run an ultramarathon in early January while I'm fairly fit from the marathon last month.  The ultramarathon I'm considering is 31 miles (50K) and on gravel and soft surfaces.  So it probably wouldn't bother my knees as much as a road race would.  I'll make the final decision week after next, when I attempt to do a 20 mile training run.  If I can get through the run without blowing out my injuries, then I'll sign up for the race.  If not, I won't really be that disappointed, as it'll be a good indication that I need to take a break and enjoy the holidays :-)

How about you?  Now is a great time to start planning some fitness goals for 2011.  New Year's is right around the corner!


  1. Sweetie I have a product that would work way better for you as a runner then the glucosamine.. shoot me an email we need to talk hun..

  2. I am planning to get moving. Not quite like you do, but I am trying to kickstart stuff in December as a pre-2011 motivator!!!

  3. Well, I have been planning for about a year now (exersise, walking).. Nothing has happened yet, other than I have lost 25 pounds.. I should be out walking 30 mintues a day...procrastinate, procrastinate..
    O.K. I'll try walking starting today.. I'm sure my Dr. and my body would love it~!

  4. Well, I do plan on maintaining the routine I've established for myself: gym (cardio & weights 3xwk)and walking the mountain as many mornings as I can (30 min cardio). I mean, I am old, Baby Girl so give me a break!...:)JP

  5. I am so amazed at all you do! Whew. I am going to have some goals too - to continue to exercise and also to lose some weight.



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