Monday, December 27, 2010

Sledding, 101

What do we have here, Reid?
Well, Cort, I believe that's Daddy on his sled.  Note his form today.  He's got a very nice lean going, knees slightly bent. 

Reid, how fast do you think he's going?  These sleds can get going pretty fast, right?
Yes, Cort, the sleds can reach speeds up to 10 miles an hour.  That's a heck of a lot faster than our wagon.

Now, Reid, this is a really technical move here.  The lean on this curve has to be approached just right.
That's right, Cort.  You really have to be careful about the angle of the sled too as you go around the apple tree.  It's a hazardous time for the sledders.

Uh oh.  Well, I know how that feels.
Oh yeah.  You think he'll do it again?  This is the best entertainment since we used to have chickens in the house.
Oh, I hope so, Reid, I hope so!


  1. This is awesome! I bet they really had these thoughts. Dad looked great up to the fall.

  2. Hey, that is one thing I have not learned while young living in South Africa. My husband who is a great ice skater picked up on the skiing. So, I have no right to point and laugh! But this is a very funny post! LOL!

  3. Too funny! Boys will be boys - no matter what age!

  4. Hahhhahhahaha! (gasp)!!!
    Oh this is just hilarious!!! You have great footage here;) And perfect commentary;))
    Love it:)))

  5. Your hubby is just so coordinated, isn't he? I wish I was there to see that! Did the boys giggle?...:)JP

  6. :-) I can just "hear" them thinking this stuff!

  7. Next time have the boys hold up numbers like they do in the Olympics.. Funny..
    Loved your blog today...Very very great memory to have recorded.. made me laugh...
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  8. LOve it! How funny, I would have totally cracked up!!! He is ok though right?

  9. These are THE BEST photos!!
    so funny .....


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