Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Very Merry Christmas

We've had loads of presents, too many to count.  Too many even to photograph.  Thanks so much to generous family for getting the boys wonderful gifts and contributing to a future swingset.

There were lots of new things to taste and smell. 

Including Cousin Grady.  He's not totally new anymore, but it was his first Christmas! 

So much excitement and fun, that a certain non-napper fell asleep on the way home from seeing the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousin.  New toy still in hand. 

Then opening presents at home.  Remote control cars, a Fisher Price Nativity, a very special book.  Thanks Shutterfly. 

Paul and I can't stop laughing over all the pictures of Pierce.  Such a cute read. 

Cookies for Santa. 

Someone has been a very good 4 year old. 

And the twins have been pretty good themselves. 
Merry Christmas all! 


  1. Everything looks wonderful! What lucky boys! JDaniel did well too. He has played with his construction equipment since he got up this morning.

  2. So cute! Thanks for sharing your little ones' joy! LOVE that ship! I'd clutch it close too!

  3. And a wonderful and Merry Christmas to you as well!!!

  4. So adorable and super sweet, especially the napping picture! Merry Christmas to you and yours, Lisa. I'm so glad we connected this past year!

  5. Looks like a child's dream! Merry Christmas!

  6. Could they be any cuter? They looked like they had a VERY Merry Christmas! :)


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