Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Visit with Santa

Last year, with the twins being young and H1N1 going strong, we decided to skip the visit to Santa.  But this year everyone is older, and we've all had flu shots, so we headed to the mall.

First, Pierce rode the train.

Look at him sitting all by himself.  He's growing up! 

The twins enjoyed watching the train go round, from their cushy Bob stroller. 

After that, I turned the 3 of them loose in the germ pit (aka the indoor mall playground).  I took quite a few pictures of the twins, but they are always in motion, and all of them ended up slightly blurred.
They had a great time. 

Finally, the big moment.
I warned Santa that Cort wasn't going to be happy.
Reid snuggled in on a warm lap.
And Pierce told Santa he wanted "a pocket knife that's not dangerous" for Christmas. 


  1. I love their little outfits! Super cute!

    My one daughter screamed bloody murder when they were one year old and the other when they were two years old! When they were three years old they both liked sitting on Santa's lap!

  2. Sounds like my kind of pocket knife! The picture came out great! Did Santa want to take them back with him?...:)JP

  3. That pic is so good. Poor Cort, poor Santa!

  4. Ha! HA!! Too cute. Too bad Santa isn't looking at the camera. Tsk tsk. It's hilarious! :) I love it!

  5. Oh I love their little outfits - all three of them. And my daughter cried too on Santa's lap. (His big boy outfit).


  6. They are all just way too cute!! Every year is a new adventure visiting Santa Clause!

  7. How cute! Looks like they had a great time! So glad that they all sat on Santa's lap. This is the first time in a year of so that Maddie actually sat on his lap. Love the pictures!!!

  8. Adorable & that takes talent to get ALL 3 of them in the picture : )

    What a photo memory:)
    (Love the santa suit:))


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