Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Year of Blogging

So today marks one year of blogging.  I started blogging as a way to focus on the positives of my days and hopefully have some fun with a creative outlet.  With Pierce being only 3 and newborn twins, I found myself completely overwhelmed and suffering from a hefty dose of postpartum depression (very common, especially after twins).  Blogging was a way to escape, just for a little while.  It became my outlet, and was a place to turn when even the refuge of running evaded me.  Those were some dark days, and it didn't help that we had an excessively wintry winter.  I was surprised, and touched by the support of other moms in the blogging community - moms who had faced the same darkness as I and were emailing me to say "I know.  Oh yes I know."  To those few blogging moms, I am so thankful (you know who you are!).  Thankfully,  April finally came around, the days grew longer, and we were able to get out of the house and enjoy the sun.  The depression lifted, but the blogging was here to stay.

What does year two hold for me in blogging land?  Well, I'm going to do the unthinkable.  The past year, I did not miss a single day of blogging.  Not one.  Is that overly Type A or what?  So you know what?  I'm going to slack off a bit.  I'm not going to worry about it if I miss a day, or even two.  I want to focus on improving the quality of my posts, so that might mean blogging less.  The other goal I have is to jump in on one of those writer-focused blog carnivals a time or two.  After all, blogging is about writing and about being creative, right?  I've been intimidated by those particular blog carnivals, to tell you the truth.  I used to be very creative with my writing, back in high school.  Then college rolled around and I feel like all those technical writing courses I had to take beat the creativity out of me.  It was all about getting to the point, being  less descriptive, and using less adjectives, not more.  As a result, I feel like I lost what I had in the ability to craft a story.  But I hope, a few times over this next year, to step out of my comfort zone and tell you a story that will leave you begging for more.  Well, even if it doesn't, be kind when you read it, would you?  ;-)  So here's to thinking outside the box more - not inside:

A huge thanks to my followers.  If you are a follower, I have tried to follow you back (assuming you have the link on your profile).  I appreciate all of your comments - the smiles, the suggestions, the support - you're awesome! 

And now, the winner of my holiday giveaway, according to, is Julie!  You can check out her blog HERE.  Thanks to all of you who entered.  Julie, if you haven't already, please email me your information so I can get it in the mail to you.


  1. Congrats on your first year! I love what you have done so far. I look forward to seeing where your blog will go.

  2. Well said, Baby Girl! I know that whatever you do, whenever you do it, will be GREAT!...:)JP

  3. Just want you to know that reading your blog, and Mere's, is the highlight of my day. I don't know what a blog carnival is, but I know you will be wildly successful with it. Your perseverance and determination are amazing.

  4. congrats on your first anniversary of blogging!! keep having fun with it, your posts are great : )
    happy weekend!!

  5. One year, that is awesome! You have a great blog, and I know all about focusing on the positives. I have slacked big time this year, and I love blogging when I want and need to. You will have fun with carnivals. Keep up the great work!

  6. Everyday I look forward to you and JP's posts..But now I have something to look forward to even more. I think like you ~ I feel like I have to blog everyday and if I don't I don't feel right. I will be looking forward to seeing your posts in the future. You do a great job and I love reading about what you are doing and the boys...
    Have a great Saturday..ta ta for now from Iowa...

  7. Happy One Year! I love this post, seriously. I've started posting less frequently, as well, and it's really a good feeling. I can't believe you've posted EVERY SINGLE DAY! Holy Cow!!!

    And congrats to Julie!!! She's FANTASTIC! Both of her blogs are loads of fun. And she's a pretty nice person, too. ;)

  8. Happy Blogging Anniversary! I enjoy your blog so much, and I look forward to reading many more of your great posts.

  9. Woot! Wow, every single day. You're amazing, lady!

    Even though I've fallen off the regular blogging train, I'll still be around to read year two!

  10. Congratulations Julie!

    Congratulations on your One Year Anniversary! Love the picture of your boys in the boxes! Boys do love boxes! I have a cardboard box in my living room for the past 2 weeks that my 6 year old is having a great time playing in.

    Merry Christmas!

  11. I tootled over here from Home in the Hollow blog, saw your comment you had to run 10 miles for that day...I run too so thought I would come on over. Congrats on your blogging.

  12. Congratulations on your first year. You've already done NaBloPoMo obviously, even if unofficially. If you really want the Type A side of you to take over for creative writing, try NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month (in November), and you have to write the rough draft of a novel in a single month.

  13. Congrats on your 1st year! I am super excited to read more from you in the coming year :)

  14. When I first started blogging, I wrote faithfully 5 days a week, as I learned how to use Blogger, experiment with writing styles, develop a disciplined schedule, etc. Eventually life got in the way, and after about 9 months I had to cut back, but it's been okay. I want blogging to be a good experience, not one more thing that I have to do or something that gets in the way of enjoying my children.

    Congrats on one entire year—that's quite an accomplishment in the bloggy world, where so many come and go. Keep up the good work!


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