Monday, January 31, 2011

Favorite Foods - Muffin Tin Muffin

Today's  Muffin Tin Monday theme is favorite foods.  And I couldn't quite bring myself to fill tins with M+Ms, cupcakes, ice cream and brownies.  Because wouldn't that be every preschooler's choice? 

Instead, I focused on working favorites into a balance.
We used our Celebrate plate to make things special, along with our new present muffin liners.
Pierce had a fruit cup, shrimp (I've long blogged about how much the kid loves shrimp) plus olives (of course!), sauteed mushrooms (believe it or not - he adores mushrooms) and macaroni and cheese.  He ate everything but the mac+cheese, which is hit or miss with the kid.  So overall, I got mostly favorites in there.

You can join Muffin Tin Monday too!
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Anonymous said...

He has wonderful favorits. The shrimp look yummy! I have been looking at a number of recipes with shrimp lately. It may be time to try one out.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You know, I've been craving mac & cheese...maybe I'll make some this week!...:)JP

Tiggeriffic said...

Looks delicious~! Why would not any kid clean up their plate when they see this in front of them.
Tracie got the Curious George game at Stuff Ect. $1.40.
It's a fun game~!

Nancy said...

I love this feature! Your combinations are always so colorful and fun! :)

Meredith said...

cute. love the plate!

Mere said...

I love your new blog design!

Angela said...

My kids are hit and miss on the mac and cheese too! lol I know some families that that is all they serve. I couldn't get by with that. Mine would prefer the M&M's for sure!

Have a Great Day!

Chatty Crone said...

I am so impressed by what he eats.
I also love you new look on the blog!


warren said...

Hey! Fancy new theme! I love it!

SnoopyGirl said...

My son would love the mac and cheese!

SnoopyGirl said...

P.S. Am now following my dear! :-)

laughwithusblog said...

I love things that make meals special!

My Mad World said...

Cute MTM!
I love your new design and just thought I would pop over real quick and take a look. Very cute!!

Myya said...

Mmmm I want that for lunch LOL. My girls LOVE shrimp too... little shrimp monsters I tell ya! :)