Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Forecasters Predict Unusual Heat Wave for Today in Roanoke

That's right folks. 
Are you ready for this?
Because today temps will soar to a record 387*F for the high.
That's after a low of 29*.
Note Tuesday's forecasted temps:
The normal high this time of year is around 45*, and the record is a mere 74*.  Better head to the store to get your sunscreen before the masses get the same ideas.  Walmart could be extra crazy today!  If you need me, I'll be outside frying eggs and bacon on the sidewalk. 


Anonymous said...

Wow! I think you will need more than sun screen.

Rose said...

Wow! Just . . Wow! lol

Nancy said...

Better put tin foil hats on the kids. To reflect the heat? Somebody at the newspaper is saying "doh!" about now.

Chatty Crone said...

Whew - get your swim suit out. sandie

TexWisGirl said...

Tomorrow's headline: "Roasted in Roanoke!" ha ha! I feel bad for the schmo who made that error...

Mary said...

Ha you better head north! That's hilarious

My Mad World said...

WOW! Yeah I think you could cook casserole in that to go along with your eggs!! lol

Tiggeriffic said...

Very funny.. You can go barefoot now when you go outside...The cold must of gotten to this person who wrote this article..
Have fun~! as usual ta ta for now from Iowa

warren said...

We're sending weather your way...be there in a few days!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Haha! And I thought Tucson in the summertime was hot!

Myya said...

Yikes! LOL

jennohara said...

Haha! Too funny!! Fry me up a peice of bacon!