Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I've Been Doing Shots and it's Not Whiskey

Did you know that I used to be vegan?  For three years.  I started eating nonvegan foods at the end of 2004, but I still appreciate many vegan dishes and treats.

When I saw Wheatgrass on clearance with the salads at Kroger this week, I couldn't resist picking some up.  It's been ages since I've done a wheatgrass shot.
Wheatgrass is proclaimed as a superfood; many believe it is instrumental in fighting disease, particularly cancer.
All I know is that after you take a shot of it, you feel a delicious energy.

So I dusted off our juicer.  Which hasn't been put to use in a very long time.  In fact, I wasn't sure I remembered how to use it. 

The wheat grass got a hair cut.
Ideally, wheatgrass wouldn't have so much yellow in it.  I supposed that's why it was marked down.  Must've been raised in a greenhouse - it is January after all. 
I didn't have enough for a full shot, so I added in 1 carrot and 1 kiwi and juiced those too.
The result: 

It's certainly an acquired taste. 
Kind of reminds me of horse breath.
And mowed summer lawns.
Let the energy begin! 


  1. I've never had a wheatgrass shot, and I have to say that when I read that it reminded you of horse breath, I'm not so sure that I want to try one, ha ha! It does look really healthy and refreshing, though :-)

  2. Nice picture of you! If you can smile after drinking that, you must really like it (or you are a good actress!) :)

  3. Cheers! I hope it filled you with energy.

  4. Love the horse breath... I've never tried it, but somehow I think I'd like it - I love grasses and grains. Or maybe not in such a concentrated dose. :)

  5. Wheat grass? that's a new one for me.. When you said it was like horse breathe ~ m-m- take a big breath and gulp it down and then have a glass of milk to chase it down.. Don't give any to the boys they have enough energy.. Have a tiggeriffic day~! ta ta for now from Iowa....

  6. Does that wheat grass give you gas? Lol

  7. Too funny. Horse breath. Delightful. I'm glad you enjoyed!

  8. I love love love wheatgrass - but that juicer is $$$!

    You are lucky.


  9. Hmmmmm I don't know about that??? If probably give it a try just to say I did but I think I'd be saying"no thanks" after that :)

  10. Your post made me laugh because that shot really looks disgusting and yet you had a smile on your face after you drank it. lol
    I just might have to try it!

  11. lol blech! That looks awful! lol Glad you enjoyed it though. as for me, i'll get my energy from coffee... =)


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