Friday, January 28, 2011

Some Soggy Appalachian Trail - Memory Lane Friday

Today is Memory Lane Friday.  This is a weekly blog carnival where you may blog about your memories and link up.  This week there is no theme.  Please join in, the more the merrier!

Prior to having our three boys Paul and I section hiked pieces of the Appalachian Trail (AT) in Virginia.  One summer we did this there was a horrible drought, and Paul ended up carrying massive amounts of water.  Another summer, there had been 40 straight days of rain that spring.  My running shoes actually started rotting that spring because they were wet every day.  These pictures are from that summer.

We would hike over the weekend, as both of us had full time jobs.  First thing Saturday morning we'd park one vehicle at one trail point and the other some 20 miles away.  On this hike, my parents were kind enough to drop us off at the start point so that we wouldn't have to take two cars.  We would hike approximately 10 miles a day, and sleep for the night in our lightweight tent or a shelter. 

When my parents dropped us off, we found mud.  MUD!
We borrowed some plastic bags my parents had in their car to navigate the muddy start.

Paul found an AT hitch hiker's sign on the ground.
These little ladders are common throughout the Virginia portions of the AT, as the trail crosses many farmers' lands, who don't want to risk their cows getting out.
When we took our golden retriever, Monty, hiking with us, getting him over these ladders was a challenge - he weighed 90 pounds!
Wonder how many AT hikers have been chased down by a cow craving trail mix? 

Safely out of the mud and on the other side.
Note the rain fly on my pack - there was more rain predicted for that weekend, but we actually got off pretty easy.  We had a fun hike. 
I sure do miss it!  When the boys are a little older, I imagine we'll be at it again - but with shorter distances.

Want to participate in Memory Lane Friday?
Just add your website to the link up and don't forget to go check out the other participating blogs.
See you next week...the theme is A Hiding Place.


  1. I remember going hiking through a field and having my shoe sucked off. It looks like you had a great time.

  2. Now I'm wondering, who took the last two photos?
    Monty? :)

  3. That looks like it was a blast! Once you start doing short hikes with your boys, you'll be creating such wonderful family memories!

  4. Uh oh. Hoisting 3 boys over those fence stiles won't be much easier than Monty! Ha! The molding shoes sounded really yucky.

  5. Looks like everyone had a great time - bet there is snow there right now! sandie

  6. OMG! That looks like so much fun! And I've got to remember the bag over the boot trick! I knew I had one in my backpack for's waiting for another bag!...:)JP

  7. Hi,

    I'm your newest follower from the Friday blog hop. I hope you can stop by and follow me too :)


  8. I have so many bad memories of hiking... Too bad my husband likes hiking so much. I guess I need to get in shape.

  9. When I was younger and was part of the hiking club with my Girl Scout Troop we would walk 17 mies a day stay over one night and hike again the next day.. We walked the entire Erie Canal..
    that was so cool...
    Now when your boys get a little older take your hand held gps with you and do some geocaching.
    Great treasures to be found...
    Have a tiggeriffic day~ ta ta for now from Iowa

  10. That really sounds like a lot of fun. If only my husband didn't walk so darn fast! I want to see the scenery and all I get to see is the ground. He walks too fast! So I really don't like to do any walking with him anymore.

    I agree with Tiggeriffic. You should start out with a little geocaching with the boys. They would totally love it. We do take the kids geocaching when we go on vacation. I've done a few posts on it too.

    Have a Great Day!

  11. Found you on Closer to Lucy! Very cute blog!
    Followed you, could you please follow me back?

    Z's Space

  12. Wow, looks like a FABULOUS TIME! Great that you have pictures:)

  13. Ahhh hiking! One of the best things ever!!!!!
    My kids are finally old enough to do 3 day treks into nowhere...and I love it!
    Looks like you had fun....and time will bring more:)))


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