Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sweet Boukie - Our Fabulous Siamese

We have four cats, the eldest of which is a fourteen year old siamese named Boukie.  We acquired Boukie the summer after I graduated from Baylor, when I was working for Dr. Barkley's veterinary practice while searching for a full-time job in my career field.

Boukie, short for Sambuca (what can I say, it was back in the college days, which involved some occasional imbibing), has always been a talker.  That's a typical siamese trait.  They are verbal.  Some think that siamese cats are sneaky or standoffish.  Not Boukie.  He's one of the first to greet strangers at the door, and is never to proud to curl up on an unknown lap.  He will knead your leg and attempt to suck your ear if you let him (I never do, ewww!)

Boukie's most redeeming factor has been his excellence with children.  He has a tolerance like no other feline.  The twins snuggle him, they climb on him, and they're by far clumsy in nature.  Yet Boukie never growls, hisses, or scratches at them.  In fact, frequently I hear his loud, rumbling purr as he tends to his boys patiently, his wide blue eyes gleaming.

Boukie is the cat who is always there for companionship.  Had a bad day?  Boukie will be all too happy to warm your lap and your heart.  He never turns down a snuggle session.
Why just look at him.
How can you not want to scoop him up for some love?


  1. You brought to mind a lilac-point Siamese female we had many years ago -- Yoshi. We only had her for about 2 years (kidney disease,) but she was an awesome cat. Yes, she did talk up a storm.

    How lucky you are to have had Boukie for so many years. He is a love. :)

  2. Nice try, Baby Girl...trying to persuade me to change my mind on MY FAVORITE in your cat didn't work though!...:)JP

  3. we had a beautiful grey cat named rover when i was growing up, who was a lot like boukie ..... he was great : )

  4. Awe, I miss my old cat. It`s awesome when they`re so great with the kids!

  5. Awww. Big hug to Boukie! What a sweetie!

  6. I am going to be honest - I am not a cat person - but if I was - he'd be beautiful. He is beautiful for a cat - teehee. Sorry.

    He does look sweet too - but cats make me SNEEZE!


  7. What a beauty! I love cats, we have 1 now, my Zoey-Cake, she's 6 (makes me think I should do a post on her, she deserves a shout out) ... and I lost Emmy-Pie last May. Em was 10 years old and I'd had her since she was a kitten. That was hard, she'd been through a lot with me, 3 moves and lots of dates, haha.

    Boukie is beautiful and I would love to cuddle him! ;)

  8. My cat Gremlin is I think part Siamese--talks all the time--tells me what to do--what not to do--meow, meow, meow!! He also tolerates me picking him up and cuddling--though he would prefer I didn't!!
    I am your new follower from Closer to Lucy weekend blog!!

    Michele aka MikiHope

  9. He sounds like a real sweetie! You've got to love a cat that is gentle and patient with the kids! He's beautiful too!

    Have a Great Day!

  10. Yes, he sounds like a perfect cuddler. My cat growing up was a calico and she lived for 20 years.

  11. When I was little we had a siamese named Cally. She was awesome! I'm not a big cat person, but man did I love her. Oh & now I totally have taht song stuck in my head Siamese if you please... I think it is from Lady & the Tramp maybe???

  12. Oh & I forgot to tell you... Love the new header, SUPER CUTE!!!


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