Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When You're Counting Calories and Need Something Sweet - Chocolate Meringues!

Meringues are easy to make, once you have an understanding of what it takes to beat those egg whites into fluffation.  They're great because they are about 10 calories a piece, and you can make different flavors.  This particular recipe is for chocolate meringues.

2 egg whites
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 tsp. vanilla

In a small mixer bowl, beat egg whites with cream of tartar at high speed until foamy.  Now seriously - for these to turn out right you have to use HIGH speed!  Add sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, beating constantly until sugar is dissolved and whites are glossy and stand in stiff peaks:

Beat in cocoa and vanilla (to make vanilla meringues, just omit these two ingredients): 

I use an old cake decorator from the 50s that my Granny Anne gave me.  But you could use a piping bag or you could even just drop onto a cookie sheet with a spoon. 

Place on waxed cookie sheets.  Bake in preheated 225* oven until firm, about 1 hour.  Turn off oven but don't open it!!  Let cookies stand in oven with door closed until cool, dry, and crisp, at least 1 hour.  Makes 4-5 dozen meringues. 


  1. These look amazing. The recipe makes so many meringues. What are you going to do with all of them?

  2. This is a great idea for us dieters! I imagine the varieties you can make are endless.

    Thank you so much for sharing this. :)

  3. So, you and yours must have survived your "roasting" yesterday. Good to see it! :)

  4. GURL! know how I love chocolate, this looks just too incrdible!..I could eat every one of these.

    And thanks for visiting LazyonLoblolly, and yes you would enjoy "OUTDOOR WEDNESDAY",I'm excited that you are.


  5. That sounds very interesting, Baby Girl! I could use a little chocolate today...:)JP

  6. I so want a big mixer. Although, then I'd have cakes and cookies around me all the time :)

    <3, New Follower

  7. YUM!!! I am going to be printing this one!!!

  8. YUM. I love it. I totally want some now, though. Thanks ... uh, damn you!! ;)

  9. Those look really good!

    Have a Great Day!

  10. sounds easy enough and looks delish!!!

  11. These look like little pieces of heaven! YUM! Ok...I'm gonna right it down. It can't be HORRIBLE for you unless you consume them one sitting, right?

    Thanks for your comment on Mamarazzi's page today!

  12. Those look delicious! I'm going to try this recipe sometime.

  13. I totally need to make these...

  14. Thank you for entering my giveaway and inviting me over. I love the recipe section. I'm always looking for new recipes!


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