Being a teenager is hard. You're torn between wanting your independence yet still needing structure and guidance from your family. Friends can be brutal, or they can be endearing and supportive. It all depends on....hormones. And every year subjects in school build upon themselves, growing harder and leaving kids with more pressure of performance and...oh So this is kind of where I was when I hit 13, but I held the secrets of one little hiding spot in my heart. There were only five other people who knew about this little hole in the hay.
Of course my hiding spot was at the barn, Cedar Ridge, which I have blogged about on several other occassions. A large red riding facility, it housed my horse, and me - most of the time. Whenever I was free, at least. My friends and I spent every waking moment there during the summers. And one summer in the back corner of the barn, just behind the arena, we discovered a fort in the hay. The hay reached at least 20 feet high in stacked square bales of timothy. It was as wide as it was tall, so this is one massive hay structure. Hidden up against the wall was a passage. If you moved a special bale of hay, you could enter the cubby, climb the hay stairs, and ease up into the top level of hay, surrounded by hay walls. A room of dried grass.
It was a world away from the pressures of home and school. A safe world, for six girls who were looking to escape. To retreat on summer days in hot swelting hay nirvana, to share stories of horses and horse shows and dogs and Pony Club and then more horses. Whatever came to mind. Secrets and friendships all in this magical hay land. I loved it there.
As it turned out, we weren't the only ones using the secret hay room. When it was discovered, and it was found that some older teens were smoking in it, the hay fort was demolished. Terribly dangerous to smoke around hay in a barn, of course (it wasn't me, I swear!). But I hold fond memories of that hiding place and the conversations and fun held there.

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I used to have a tree in my apartment complex is loved to sit under and think.
My hiding spot was up in an old weeping willow tree in my parent's yard. The tree is gone now, but I remember spending many evenings up in that tree -- pondering my teenage "problems." :)
Sounds like a perfect hiding spot! Too bad those teens were stupid enough to smoke around hay, of all things! I guess they didn't read "Black Beauty"!
Oh, and Livie says hello. (She actually typed "hello".)
Mine was in the lawn mower shed. I remember sitting around with my friends eating banana cream pies. And unfortunately, I was probably one of those teens smoking in your barn.
I always escaped across the fields to the Mill Creek that ran through our neighbor's property. It was my nature sanctuary...
My hiding spot was in my dressing room "closet" I took all of my clothes out, moved my bed IN and loved my cozy room. I'm nearly 40 and I still have to have my bed surrounded on at least 3 sides to feel comfy!
I don't know what you mean by add your site on the link below. I'm slow... sorry!
That sounds like a great idea for a book for girls! I would have loved a secret place like that when I was 13.
Smoking in hay storage. Gotta love the thought process of teens. (Ugh) We had spots too... one was a bridge along a lake near us that was fairly sheltered in summer by hanging willows. Thx for the reminder :) Happy Friday from a fellow MomLooper
Mine was this old massive Weeping Willow Tree (I think that is what it was called). The roots made for a hiding spot for me & my BFF. It in the middle of a huge field. We were in our own world out there. I loved that!
I had a "secret" spot to when I lived with my Aunt & Uncle. No one in the family ever knew about it! It's still hush hush so maybe someday I'll blog about it...:)JP
Oh this brings back so many memories of exploring our ten acres when I was little--good times!
that sounded like fun. too bad the smoking idiots ruined the place for you all. your cedar ridge sounded like the perfect place for young girls.
Just popping over from the Mom Loop comment follow. Loved reading this...brought back special memories! :) Rebecca
This sounds like a lovely spot and it stinks that someone else had to ruin it for you...makes me mad!
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