Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Hate My IT Band - Fitness Recap January

January was not a good month for me.  That's part of the reason this post is so late - I haven't wanted to think about it.  And it's not just because of winter and cold and all that.  No, I've been injured.  And this is making me very cranky.  When I can't run, I can't very easily deflect life's bumps and glitches.  Things get to me more.  I feel uneasy.  Restless.  Running is my crutch for life.  It helps me get through my days, and it brings me happiness. 

Alas, I'm suffering from IT band syndrome.  It's an overuse injury, and one I've dealt with before.  The IT band (iliotibial band) is the muscle that runs along the outside of the thigh.  Usually, I can keep it at bay by using a foam roller.  Not this time.  I even went to see a special (and expensive) neuromuscular therapeutic masseuse, and he worked on it intensively.  It didn't seem to make a difference, and at any rate, I can't afford to see hiim regularly.  I guess it will heal when it decides to heal. Grrr.  I'd stab it with a fork if I thought it would help.

In the meantime, here's what I did in the month of January:
Running - 42 miles (all in the first 2 weeks - I haven't been able to run in the last 2 weeks or so)
Marta Montenegro Method DVDs (both strength and endurance) - x 6
Shred - x 2
Weightlifting (15 pound free weights) - x 7
Tae Bo - x 1
Core/Ab workout - x 8
Yoga - x 2

I'm not too sure what's on tap for February.  Part of me is wondering if some of the workout dvds (which do involve a lot of squats and lunges) are preventing my IT band from healing more quickly.  Maybe it's time for me to do....nothing.  Nothing scares me though.  When I do nothing, I fear I feel myself turning into a big slothlike blimp.  Plus, I know how hard it is to comeback the longer you remain inactive. 

Hopefully my leg will heal up before the weather gets nicer, and I won't lose too much fitness in the interim.  I'm really hoping to hit some 5Ks in March and April and build up a little speed.  Wish me luck with quick healing!


  1. You know, baby Girl, as I was reading the beginning regarding your IT, my first thought was those DVDs that you began using because I KNOW they use a lot of squats & lunges. So, back off the lower body stuff. Do upper (lying down on a bench or floor)and core...:)JP

  2. I would lend you my unexercised legs, but they would tke to long to get in shape.

  3. I second with Home In the Hollow said.

  4. I know what you mean about being scared -- I was running a measly 2 miles a day this time last year until my back couldn't handle it any more.

    Sending healing and positive vibes your way, Lisa. I know how much you love running and it would be a shame for you to have to give it up.

  5. Ugh! IT band is the worst. I found that yoga and pilates helped, but rest was a big cure too. I hated it. Hang in there!

  6. I'm sending wishes for a speedy recovery-and that you'll be back to your old self as soon as possible:)

  7. I'm thinking that the rest would do it good too! My reasoning behind that is if you break a bone you are in a cast and can't move it which in turn helps it to heal. I would think a muscle would be the same way???? Having said that I have sciatica in both legs that came on with my first pregnancy 14 years ago and it NEVER went away! I still struggle with it and have learned to live with it. I have seen a specialists way back when and there really isn't anything they can do for me. If I were you I would give it a rest because you don't want it to develop into something even more serious.

    Have a Great Weekend!

  8. Noooo!!! Stop the lunges! Let yourself heal. You will NOT turn into a blop of slop. But I hear ya on the not being able to run. I haven't been able to run for years and miss it. Miss the endorphin rush, but I can still get a little of the rush by walking up a steady incline, which is my third of a mile long driveway. That does the trick.
    Take it easy. No leg stuff!

  9. Ugh. Hugs to you! I KNOW the feeling of leaving what you love on the side to recuperate!
    And running is almost like breathing.

    WISHING you a speeeeedy recovery so you can pick up speed yourself....
    You'll be running those races soon!!!!!!

  10. What a lovely blog ... simply love ur muffin tin posts !!!

    - Smita
    (fun foods for picky lil eaters )

  11. I'm sorry you are still suffering from the injury. I hope it decides to get better soon. :)

  12. I've started running recently (on/off for the past two months) and trying to motivate myself to do a 5K. I'm so worried about injuries though. I get shin splints easily (let's blame it on my chicken legs) and my left knee likes to give me problems.

    But in other news, your blog design is simply adorable! And your boys are even more adorable! =)

  13. Gosh - I don't know what to say - you are so out of my league - just take it a little easier and try to heal. sandie

  14. I agree on the squats and lunges, probably should not do those for a little bit anyway... I also know what you mean when you don't use something at all feeling like a big old slug... but sometimes its the only way. I totally agree on how then we have to come back from no use, I am struggling right now between the flu crud I had and this stupid never ending hacking cough (though I am over the crud thank heaven)and then my arm.. I ran 3.5 miles this morning first in several days. It felt like 6 miles. I have some coming back to do myself! Hang tough girly.

  15. Hope you're better soon. It must be frustrating to not be able to do something you love and is also your stress reliever.

  16. I am sending you quick healing thoughts. Oh & I just have to say HOLY SMOKES you are hard core, that is A LOT of working out.

  17. I hope you heal quickly but sometimes the quickest way to heal is by resting. You might try a bit of rest, as good as shape you are in it will take quite a while for you to get out of shape....there is always walking too


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