Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Make a Zhu Zhu Valentine's Hamster Wheel

Paul is working on a very special project for the kids, and he had a piece of Quik-Tube left over (you can buy these at places like Lowes). 
Looking at this sturdy tube, I knew it must be good for something.
So I asked him not to throw it out.
Then it came to me.
This thing would be just the right size for a Zhu Zhu wheel!
And since we've been doing Valentine's Day crafts, we decided to fit this in.
I cut red construction paper to size, and Pierce got to work with the glue. 

Then, remember those homemade stickers we made yesterday?
If not, go read about those first!

Well, Pierce stuck his stickers all over the Zhu Zhu wheel. 

And next thing we knew, this guy was rolling all over the house: 
I think he likes it!

I'm linking this post with the Valentine's Party at JDaniel4sMom's blog:


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Perhaps you need to get a real one?!?!...:)JP

Cat said...


Stephanie @ said...

Cute! We have the "real" wheel but I think it would be funner to watch them roll around the house and bump into things.

Tanya Breese said...

what a cute idea!! your kids are adorable!!

Texan said...

I bet that is a riot watching him roll all over the place lol.. Very creative!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! I know some Kung Zhu Hamsters about to get rolling here!

Inger said...

What a great idea, you are so creative. And your hamster is so cute, rolling away, happily.--Inger

Lulu said...

How cute! Makes me want to get a real hamster! I think the boy is a little young for one though ... someday. In the meantime we have the ZhuZhu's too :)

Doris Sturm said...

How cute. Yes, rodents love cardboard - I once had two Hooded rats and they loved it when I gave them small, sturdy cardboard boxes so they could shred them up.

Did you want to enter my Giveaway or did you just leave a comment on my crocheted ornament?

Sandy said...

I just love cute!

laughwithusblog said...

It looks like a great life...for a hamster! My kids would love one of those.

Valerie Boersma said...

I love this! And what a great lesson in recycling, and creativity you are teaching your son.

I couldn't help but notice the guinea pig sticker-we have a piggie, and she would love a hamster wheel too (if only to happily munch on) :)

Mary said...

Ha that is so cute! We could try to make one but we don't have any little pets to run in it. :)

Sorry again about your water!

Nancy said...

I actually know what a zhu-zhu is. I'm so proud of myself right now. :)

Anonymous said...

This is so cute! Glad he is getting some exercise.

mountain mama said...

cute! great idea!

i nominated your blog for the stylish blog award should you wish to accept!

Angela said...

That is so cute! You come up with the cutest ideas Lisa! You are a good mommy to those boys!

Have a Great Day!

Tiggeriffic said...

Ben has one of these Zu Zu's.. I'm going to make him one. Ben can help me.. GOOD IDEA~! Thanks~!
ta ta for now :)

Mamarazzi said...

so creative. i am going to make some and send them to my nieces. they will love this!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That is awesome!

Now I have to find one of those tube things.

My Mad World said...

Love it!!!

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

Oh my gosh, this is sooo cute!! Now you really have ALL the fun of a real hamster and none of the mess! So creative!

Here from MomLoop. Have a great weekend!