Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Making Valentine's Stickers with your Preschooler

Have you ever let your child make homemade stickers?
They are actually super easy to make, and the only thing you need are some old magazines, jello, and water.

First, have your child cut out pictures from magazines.  In this case, we looked for Valentine's themed pictures like hearts and flowers.

Place 2 tbsp. water in a microwave safe dish.  Cook to boiling point (in my microwave this was about 45 seconds).  Immediately stir in 1 tbsp. jello.  Since our theme was Valentine's, we used red jello.  Allow to cool to lukewarm.

Let your preschooler paint the backs of the pictures with the jello mixture. 

Allow to dry completely.
Then your child can lick the painted surface to make sticky stickers. 
Kids love the jello flavor.  Pierce said, "It tastes GOOOOOD!"
After licking, place stickers wherever you like.

We had a very special purpose for ours.
But you'll have to come back tomorrow to find out what!

This post is linked up with JDaniel4sMom who is hosting a Valentine's Day Party this week.  Go check her out:


Anonymous said...

JDaniel has a cold and we will be in today. I think we will be making jello stickers.

My Mad World said...

Great idea! I will have to try that out! Thanks for sharing it. Can't wait to come back tomorrow and see what you did.

Hey, you should link up to mine! You might be the only one linking up though! :)

Nancy said...

Can I just say this is a great project for little ones? You are so creative -- I'm sure you boys just love the heck outta you! :)

Mary said...

I can't wait to see what he makes! That is such a great idea. :)

Jeremi said...

now these look like fun too! adding to our list of projects .....

we made our Hungry Happy Monster this morning for our heart bean bags, the girls LOOOOOOOVED that project and the fun that continues : )


Valerie Boersma said...

The jello sticker backing is so clever! Can't wait to see what you guys are making!

warren said...

Holy cow it is tough to beat the taste of warm jello before it sets up! Cool idea too

Kim said...

Oh my gosh! What an easy and fun project I can do with my girls. I already know that their favorite part will be "painting" the jello on the back of the pictures!

laughwithusblog said...

I've never seen this before! Great idea!

jennohara said...

You always have the best ideas!!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

What a great idea! That is really neat.You have a great blog. I have really been enjoying it.

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

What a cute idea!

Myya said...

Fun idea! Sounds like that could be right up our alley!

Unknown said...

I wish envelopes had this backing, Newest follower from valentines day hop, come visit when you get a chance

Maria said...

What a fun idea!! I think we'll use it next week . . . just need to get some jello first! :-)

Christina said...

What a great idea! I need to try that with my kids this weekend!
I'm stopping by from the Mom Loop...and I'm going to follow you...Hope you reach your goal!