Monday, March 14, 2011

New Bento Find and Lunch for Preschool

I still pack bento-style lunches for Pierce each week when he goes to preschool, I just haven't had a chance to blog about them.  So I figured I'd take the day off from Muffin Tin Monday to share a bento lunch instead.

I recently found some cute lunch boxes on sale at J.C. Penney's for $3.99.  In addition to the shark box, they also had a pink mermaid.  The box is deep which is nice for larger items, and it has a tray that lifts off the top that is just the right size for a sandwich.

Pierce had a green egg (with I Am Sam drawn on by my food writers), two cheese skewers, a veggie calzone (stuffed with sneaky spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, garlic, tomato sauce and cheddar cheese - I'll post the recipe at some point because they are easy to make), 2 condiment containers - one with raisins and one with cranberries, and a kiwi. 
These lunches continue to be a hit, and Pierce often says that lunch was his favorite part of the day!


Anonymous said...

I love the box! JDaniel would too. Your sneaky calzone really looks amazing. I love all the great things you put in it.

Karen said...

What a good mom!!...

Unknown said...

Thats a fantastic lunch. I love the lunch box container. It makes them happy to experience lunch. Eat Healthy.

The Princess said...

I look forward to the calzone recipe. The 10 year old is a pain trying to get to eat anything other than green beans...which there is nothing wrong with them, just don't want to burn out on them. I had made spaghetti with spinach in the sauce and he never new. I hate the fact I have to hide green vegetables to get him to eat them, especially when Buddha Bear loves them. I mean the Buddha Bear loves kale.

I like the little box too. I need to get some of those condiment cups.

Sandy said...

Love the way you sneak in the veggies. You are so creative.

My Mad World said...

I love that lunch box! I hope they have them at our Penny's. Won't be able to get there until the weekend though... How nice they had them for $4!

That lunch looks very yummy! Can't wait for your recipe either!

Anonymous said...

Super cute! My son loves sharks--I need to look into this!

Shell said...

So creative! I'd be ashamed to post our lunches. LOL

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Very cute. Nice that they are a hit.
RE your comment on my blog: Different works too. :-) Even in today's cookbooks, sometimes we get a gem of a recipe, and sometimes we really wonder what they were thinking.

Nancy said...

Very cute little lunchbox and awesome assortment of nutricious goodness for your little one. He is a lucky boy! :)

Valerie Boersma said...

Lunch would be the favorite part of my day too:) You are so clever!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh if only my GS would eat like that. Yeah for Pierce that he likes food that healthy. sandie

Jane said...

Very sweet lunch box,and the lunch looks good. Blessings jane

Liz Mays said...

They would be a hit with me too. That looks yummy!

Shanae Branham said...

What a cute lunchbox and your arrangement is beautiful. Thanks for also being one of my "good" commenters! I appreciate your support.

Melissa: Write it in Lipstick said...

how do your kids eat their veggies? I have to puree them and sneak them into the food. Please teach me your ways, I mean they eat some veggies but not like your Pierce. What a good boy.

Write it in Lipstick

Angela said...

That is the cutest lunch box! Will you start making my lunch? That really looks good! I just had a thought looking at the lunch too. When school first started my son came home and said, "mom, you don't cut my sandwiches in half like you used too. All of the other kids moms are cutting their sandwiches." lol I got in trouble for not cutting his sandwich! lol I'm sure the other kids in Pierce's class go home and say, "mom Pierce's mom packs him the best lunch! Why don't you pack mine like that?" lol You know they do! lol I love it! hehehe

Have a great day!

Sharon said...

Healthy lunch for anyone, not just a little guy! Looks great!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!

Galit Breen said...

Lunch tally:
Lisa: 1, Galit: 0
This is amazing!
Don't show my kids, mmkay?
KIDDING! 'll show them myself- thank you for the great ideas! :)

Dawn said...

No kidding! They'd be my favorite part of the day too:))))

Anonymous said...

My babe would love that lunchbox, he loves sharks! I hope you do post the recipe for the calzone, I'd love to have it!

I'd like to have you make my lunches, I never eat that good.

Maegan :)

Meredith said...

what a fun lunch!! Adrian loves his bentos too...he now is so used to it, he tells me I need to take a picture before he eats it!

Myya said...

That is such a cute lunch box & LOVE all the goodies you put inside. If I didn't have sick kiddos I'd run to JC Penney & see if they had the pink mermaid ones.