Tuesday, March 29, 2011

There's a Bird in the House

With a few scattered mild days here and there, we left the door open one day to get some fresh air in the house.  And in flew a little bird:

Sorry birdie, but you're not going to get out through the trapezoids.

Next the bird flew up into the ceiling beams.  Our ceilings are really high up, as we have an A frame log cabin.  From his point up on the beams, he was able to poop on Paul's shirt.  I guess that little bird figured that's what he gets for leaving his laundry out in the middle of the living room.

Finally, he flew right behind the computer in our office loft.  And then waited for me to scoop him up.

Sweet little one:

See the squinty eye.  That meant he was scared.  So I quietly carried him downstairs to set him free.

Gently placed on the porch railing.  I think he's eyeing our bluebird house.  Sorry birdie, it's already taken!

Linking this up with WV Treasures Show and Tail.  I had to redeem myself after my last entry.


  1. I bet the boys loved having the bird inside.

  2. Okay you are the coolest and I am not.

    I would have been flapping around all "eewggh" just as much as the bird!

    I'm always somehow 'afraid' of them in confined spaces. One too many Hitchcock movies I guess.

    I'm also afraid I'll go to "help" them and hurt them or something. I tend to just wave "go outside birdie. Go HOME!" and hope they get the message.

  3. Gosh, you're brave. I couldn't have picked up the bird like that. Poor little guy. I'm glad you saved him.

  4. Wow1 That must have been an adventure. You must have a very calming spirit, because that bird didn't seem too scared. Congratulations on catching it. It was fun to see it come out alive and happy.

    I agree about the teacher!

  5. We had a hummingbird get in our garage. It had knocked itself half out flying into the wall, I assume. When I picked it up I realized it was not dead, but stunned.It was like a jelly sack. They don't seem to a structure to them if that makes senses but feel like sack of gel with no bones. I placed him outside near the humming bird feeder in the shade. He did recover and fly off.

  6. It just has the sweetest shape - it's definitely a bug eater with those sweet round eyes and whiskers around its beak. So glad he or she is safe again. :)

  7. Glad you were able to grab him and get him out. Mad would have loved it if we had a bird in the house. lol

  8. We once had a bird in our house too and it was quite a round of excitement!
    I found you through Andrea's blog and I am a new follower. I'd love it if you came over and followed me too! I'm currently hosting a Mary Kay giveaway and I plan to add on to the prize for every 10 entries! :)

  9. I LOVE that you were able to catch that little bird without him having a heart attack in the process! Great job!

  10. He must have been worn out for you to be able to catch him! Good thing he didn't try to fly through a window full speed and knock himself out.

  11. Well that sure doesn't happen every day now does it? I'm amazed birdy let you pick him up and carry him to safety, you must be some kind of bird whisperer : )

  12. Lisa, so glad the birdie was snatched up and released unharmed.

    Must have been exciting for the boys. :)

  13. Birds are pretty amazing little things-and I'm glad you safely got this one outside.

    I was trimming Amy's parakeet's toenails once, and she bit me and my reflex was to drop her! I had a time catching her again-she had the squinty eyes too.

    And just this last week in Hawaii, two little birds hopped right into our motel room. I gently herded them back out-but it was fun to see them come inside like that:)

  14. Wow, he let you catch him with your bare hands. :-) Nice close up shots.

  15. You are way braver than I am! lol I'm glad you were able to catch that little birdie! We had one a few years ago that built a nest in a basket I had just put on our front door. Let me tell you they can build a nest fast and lay those eggs pretty fast too! Anyway, when we would open the front door the mama bird would fly into the house. We would manage to get it to fly back out but not before it had the grand tour of the house! After the second time it flew in and broke one of my prized WV Glass vases with the roses on it my husband took the basket over to a tree and put the nest in a tree. The basket went back into the garage. I can't hang anything on my front door without a bird trying to build a nest in it. Even a wreath.

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  16. You got great pictures to illustrate your story! I'm glad you got him out before he pooped all over everything!! Sometimes a bird gets loose in a store around here, none ever came in our house, only bees and wasps.

  17. Oh wow! I can't believe you caught him!

  18. I had a mockingbird in the garage yesterday. He banged into the storm door a few times until a cat and I persuaded him to leave. Today, he flew back in but figured out how to get out on his own pretty fast.

  19. I am such a girl - but I don't think I could have picked that bird up - you are brave. sandie

  20. Ha I'm sorry but I laughed when you said he pooed on his shirt! That's great you were able to catch the poor little thing

  21. I am suprised it let you scoop him up! What a good little birdie :)

  22. I'm so surprised that he let you scoop him up, but I'm glad that he did so you could put him where he belonged. :)

  23. So cute! I am trying to figure out what kind of bird he/she is... looks like some sort of finch.

  24. Glad you managed to catch and release him,silly bird! Blessings Jane

  25. When I was young, it was my "job" to rescue any birds that found their way into our house. They would sit on the chimney and get dizzy from the natural gas that came up from our furnace and they'd fall down the chimney and I could hear them moving around, so I'd open the door at the bottom and take them to the great outdoors once again!

  26. What a cute post. Look at you being the birdie whisperer. :)

  27. Amazing that you caught him! We had a bat get into my freshman hall in college...I'm sure you can imagine the screams. Then either a bird or bat got into the architecture studio. Some guy I liked hid under a desk, and that may have been the end of the crush. :)

  28. First of all, I loved your last post! Secondly, you captured the story of the bird in the house beautifully and thanks for sharing. He's a lucky little guy! Ann

  29. My boys would have been begging to keep him! lol

  30. You are a hero to save him!

  31. Great post and you were able to get
    some very good pictures.

  32. There is no way I would have been able to scoop up a bird in my hand. I'm fond of birds but only when peering at them out my window.

  33. OMG. You are amazing. I would have been freaking out! Good for you for setting the poor thing free to be on his/her way!


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