Monday, March 28, 2011

Welcome, Spring! Muffin Tin Monday

Aren't you glad it's Spring?  This is my favorite time of year!
Pierce had a biscuit (flower drawn on with food writers), a spring chicken leg (he loves drumsticks, I think it allows him to embrace his inner caveboy), watermelon, sunburst tomatoes, a mutant strawberry, and broccoli.
Pierce loved this lunch and only left behind a few bites of biscuit.

Check out more ideas from Muffin Tin Mom!

The winner of the two horse mysteries by Alison Hart is Angela at WV Treasures.  Thanks to all of you who entered! 


  1. Does a mutant strawberry give you super hero strength!

  2. Even my picky eater would eat something this fun looking. Alas I'm too lazy.

  3. What a fun lunch! love your biscuit and strawberry. We're ready to go pick strawberries around here!!

  4. Nice healthy lunch, so nice to see a child eating something beside fast food! Or a plate covered in chips, candy, and snacks, no nutritive food to be seen. Good for you! and good for your son!

  5. Food Writers?? That is so awesome! I have never heard of those before. What a genius idea.

  6. Love this muffin tin mom idea! So yummy, nutritious and fun. My girls will totally go for this!

  7. Love the mutant strawberry! And, of course, the spring chicken!

  8. What time can I come over for lunch? Ha ha!! Seriously, these are for kids, but who wouldn't want this? Even if you are not hungry, it's appetizing!! Your kids are very lucky.

  9. Oh, that is a huge strawberry!

  10. I LOVE Muffin Tin Monday! I think I may get more excited than your son : ) And where on earth did you find that strawberry? That sucker is HUGE!

  11. Ha that is quite the mutant strawberry! Everything looks very tasty. I love the flower on the biscut.

    Hve a great week Lisa

  12. Yippee!! He ate all his broccoli!!

  13. He eats a far tastier and more interesting lunch than I ever do! Lucky guy!

  14. Love that strawberry! I made Buddha's MT, but my camera was missing batteries... I think Buddha would have eaten everything you have there - except the chicken - lol.

  15. Great tin! Love the mutant strawberry! LOL We went shopping for fruit a couple days ago and every pack of berries had mutants in them! One looked like you could wear it as a skirt! LOL

  16. I wish they had ideas like this when my girls were young.. Very cute.
    I've Become My Mother
    Kelly's Ideas
    Amazing Salvation

  17. Your tin looks delicious!! I have been bragging about having spring here for weeks and now this week we're having 40 degree weather. ugh.

  18. Inner caveboy-too cute! What a yummy lunch!!
    It's good to be catching up with you and all my other blog friends:)

  19. My girls love chicken legs too. It is fun to watch them just dive into them. LOL

  20. I got the idea to do this for one of my Grandlittles! This looks tasty! Like the picture on the biscuit. Very clever.


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