Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where is Two Bears Today?

I'm not here today!  Instead, I'm guest posting in a series called 'Pause Life for a Moment' at one of my favorite blogs - come visit here to read.  JDaniel4smom has long been a supporter of my blog, and is an excellent commenter.  We met over muffins - well, Muffin Tin Mondays to be exact.  I really admire her creativity and simple preschool lessons that she does with her son.  So please click over to visit her blog today (my post is about motherhood and the spirit of the horse - in my eyes they relate) and leave your comments there. 

And if you're stopping by from JDaniel4smom, a huge Two Bears welcome to you!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post.

  2. Way to go, Baby Girl! You are so diversified!...)JP

  3. Coming over to check out your post! :)

  4. Hi, Lisa! It's a pleasure to "meet" you today! Depending on where in the Blue Ridge Mountains you are, we might be neighbors--relatively speaking. I'm in the western part of Virginia, near Harrisonburg. I have four sons, so I feel that kinship with you, too. :)

    Your blog is so attractive, and your writing is skillful. Well done!

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. I'm here from you guest post, and it really is a pleasure to be here.

    Your piece was so beautifully written. We've never had horses, and I've only ever 'known' them as I admire their beauty and elegance from a distance, but this post drew me to them as never before.

    I'll definitely be back on your doorstep!

  6. Nice! I will have to go check out your guest post!

  7. I loved this post on so many levels. I'm getting ready to do one on "My Life is Not My Own" - and the heart of yours echoes that. And, then, while your worked with a horse who initially did not want to work with you - it so sounded like what happens with my sons, whether it is reading time or life-rules time - the balking, pulling back - and then the peace from finally just doing the right thing! Loved it!

  8. Read your guest post at JDaniel4's :) Beautiful!

  9. great job over there! I think you captured the moment, the tension of motherhood, perfectly.

  10. Heading over soon, but the meeting over muffins has me chuckling! TOO cute! :)

  11. Oh fun! I will go check it out.

  12. Your guest post was wonderful!!! I could touch, see, and hear everything! You write with such focus on the senses, and in a very emotive way. But I keep coming back to one thing: CLOTH DIAPERS? REALLY?? I had admired you before because you can get so much done with everything you have going on, but now you astound me!! How do you manage to do it all, and post every day? Are you one of the people who only need four or five hours sleep?


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love hearing from my readers!