Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why I Love Having Twins - Behold the Cuteness!

Patty Cake, patty Cake, baker's man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can! 

Just pat it.  And roll it.  And mark it with a C and R

And put it in the oven for Cort and Reid! 


  1. can't wait to see the cuteness in person today! :-)

  2. They are just too cute! What a wonderful moment to catch!

  3. This is my favorite post.

  4. yup, there really are so many cute things that happen when you have two (or more) that are the same age : ) and your boys are really cute!!!

  5. These are great pix of the dynamic duo!...:)JP

  6. So sweet. Little boys are so precious. (I had two myself.)

  7. Your twins ARE beyond adorable!!!! We have twin boys we have been friends with since they were born, they just turned eleven, this brings back memories. So nice to meet you, we live not far from each other. My, I do admire you for having so much going on and still maintaining this beautiful blog and posting so frequently!! I loved reading your sweet kindergarden bathroom story. But your tab at the top "About Me", when I went there, it is dated Jan.30, 1978, surely that can't be right!! I LOVE reading about psychology, toddlers, and farms!! We have two little girls in our life , they are four and I post them often.

  8. Children are a gift from God, these are beautiful. We have 7 grandchildren, The youngest was 7 when our youngest son and his wife had their first child, a boy. Goodness it was like a shot in the arm for our family. This child was like an energizer, every one loves him, and he knows the love.

  9. Oh they are just adorable! I've always thought it would be tough to have twins, but like everything else you must learn as you go--and well worth it I see!

  10. aren't twins awesome?!! and i MISS that stage SO MUCH!! very cute!!

  11. They are so very, very cute. You have lots of male running around in your home! teehee


  12. Ah I want twins! They are So adorable!

  13. That is incredibly adorable!

  14. Yes, your boys are adorable! My favorite is the picture on the top left of your blog. I smile whenever I open up your blog and see him...sooooo cute!

  15. Sooooo sweet! Not sure which is which but I am going to guessed based on how the pics are narrated... Is Cort A LOT bigger then Reid?

  16. Precious!

    Twins run in the family but missed me somehow. You're lucky for that cuteness x two!


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