Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Chilly Pier Walk

This is the last of our pictures from our beach trip - promise!  On the last day we were at Ocean Isle, NC, a cold front passed through.  After enjoying a morning at the Museum of Coastal Carolina we decided to take one last beach walk before dinner.

Our walk took us down to the pier.

The gaps in the pier weren't very baby-friendly, so we were watching the twins like hawks the whole time.  Actually, I only put Cort down to take this picture! 

Paul carried Reid the whole time.  It was really windy on the pier!
But the views were very pretty.  And it's about as close as you can be to the ocean without being in it! 

The seagulls were fancied up with their formal black heads.   No plain white for these gulls!

And so, we said our goodbyes to the ocean, until next time. 

And now my readers, I'm done with beach pictures for a while!  Pretty sure you got your fill.


  1. Love those pictures! I had forgotten how curly your hair always gets at the beach :-)

  2. I bet those boys were tired at the end of that day! :)

  3. I don't know that I could ever get my fill of beach photos...I miss the ocean! Wonderful shots!

  4. I have loved seeing the beach through your eyes!

  5. i agree with nancy - all that fresh ocean air must have worn those boys (and you) out!

  6. I enjoyed all of your beach pictures Lisa. Thanks for sharing them. It's nice to be able to revisit the beach any time we want by looking at the pictures from our trips:)

  7. That looks lovely. I have yet to meet a pier I don't like.

  8. No I didn't get my fill, I really enjoyed the pictures! My son and his family go to the beach at least once a year and post their pictures, and I always enjoy looking at them, too. This may be because I have never been to the beach except once when I was too little to remember. So I enjoy it through others. LOVE the picture of Cort following his dad's footsteps, that's priceless. But I'm glad you carried him most of the way.

  9. In spite of the wind, it's still quite gorgeous out there!

  10. I can never get sick of beach photos! Looks like a great day..wind and all :)

  11. Never get sick of the beach. I love living in the country but still close enough to get to the beach in an hour. Looks like you guys had a great time!

  12. Just found you ... Those pictures are fabulous! And what a darling little guy you have!!

  13. Oh, those gaps in the dock rail can be quite scary, can't they?! I remember feeling the same way when visiting Lake Tahoe when my son was 3. Looks like a great trip!

  14. Can never have too many ocean shots!

  15. That looks fun - I bet they were tired after all that and in the wind...

  16. Mmm...I can almost smell the salty sea air!

  17. I live in the center of North America! I never get my fill of beach and ocean photos. Loved them.

  18. Oh, I miss the ocean!

  19. I have enjoyed your vacation pictures. Yes, that pier does look dangerous for little ones. I would have been nervous to let them go for even a second.

  20. OH man, I am just dying for some beach time. It's cold where we live right now!!!

  21. I honestly don't think I could ever get tired of seeing pics of your adorable boys! What a fun adventure you guys have had at the beach!!


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