Monday, April 18, 2011

Creativity Journal and Card Set GIVEAWAY and Blog Roll Update!

I hit 300 followers and that deserves a celebration!  Thank you!  I wanted to find something that anyone who blogs would enjoy, and the way I figure it, bloggers are a creative bunch.  I decided to choose something that would embrace that creativity.  This is a creativity notebook with 50 cards.  Each card in this inspiring deck offers an idea to stretch your approach to observing and chronicling the daily events around you.  You'll learn how to harness the power of words (what to write about, and what to write with), explore extreme photography techniques without having any previous photography experience, focus on the little things (like a two inch section of a painted mural you drive by every day), and discover unusual ways to creat a self-portrait (from plastic wrap and tree lights to close-ups of your hands).  A $19.95 USD value.

To enter this giveaway you must be a follower (after all, the giveaway is in celebration of my followers!) and you must leave a comment telling me your most creative moment.  If you are not currently a follower, you can become one and enter.  That's it.  I'll ship anywhere!  Giveaway winner to be chosen by and ends 4/23/11 at noon.  Winner must claim prize within 48 hours.  Good luck!

On a side note, it's come to my attention that I need to update my blog roll, as I have some new friends who aren't listed.  To be on my blog roll, you must be a follower and an active reader who comments once a week or so.  Please check to see if you are listed - if you are not email me at varunner7 at aol dot com to let me know you'd like to be added.  Also, if you are on my blog roll but would like me to have your button up instead of your link, please email me the code to your button (sorry, but I just don't have the time to go grab all those button codes myself - surely you understand!).  It may take me a week or two to get everything updated (depending on the response) so please be patient with me!


  1. I think it's not good juju to be commentor #1 on giveaway posts, but I couldn't hold back.

    This would be an awesome prize. Good on you for actually selecting a giveaway we would all want!

    I'm a happy follower, Lisa. Duh!!

    Hope you and your boys are having a great day! :)

  2. oh, gosh darn ya! you're gonna make me stretch my creativity brain lobe?! ugh!!! i'm not sure i'm up for it!

    (thanks for having me on your blog roll, btw).

    i don't have a great moment of creativity. i hope to have a few good ones sprinkled throughout my life tho!

  3. A nice reason for a celebration :O). I agree bloggers are a creative bunch. Don't enter me in the drawing. I know myself well enough to know right now I would not take the time to enjoy it and someone else would. Someone will love that.

    What a fun game you made for your boys, in the previous post. I bet they just loved that!

  4. I think my most creative moment was in kindergarten-when I realized that I could do a whole lot more with paste than eat it:)

    Fun giveaway-I hope I win!

  5. That is an awesome thing to give away--perfectly suited for YOUR blog, too!

  6. This giveaway looks awesomw!! Because I don't think I have a creative bone in my body, though I really try. So please enter me, you are very generous!! Congradulations on 300 followers! I don't know how you keep up with them all!

  7. I totally want these! Anything to give me fresh ideas in an ORGANIZED way! I have no idea what my most creative moment of all time was, but my most creative moment of last week was converting a 1970s bridesmaid dress into a medieval gown with a bit of ribbon and an old drape. Haha!

  8. My most creative moment was when I had you :-)
    Now, that ought to win!!!!

  9. Congrats girl! you definitely deserve your followers! yay for you! :)

  10. Yay for 300! :)

    I'm really not very creative. I used to be. You should have seen the dance I came up with to teach my students about flips, turns, and slides in math...

  11. Thanks Lisa, I will pass on this one, but maybe next time. I am already a follower,and read your blog as often as I can,you have a very good blog!!! Congratulations on the 300 followers!!! Blessings jane

  12. My most creative moment was I made a Shadow Box for my son's wedding. I saved everything from the wedding and made it three -D. I thought I did a good job. teehee


  13. Congratulations! I love your blog and if my "address marker" trick works I'll be sure to share magic ;)

  14. Yay for 300! Way to go!!

    These sound really cool!

    I'm a follower of course!

    Hmm... my most creative moment? Blog wise or other wise lol Guess here lately doing all the Amigurumi things.

  15. Let's see, I am a follower (does admirer count too?) and I believe my most creative moment was when I wrote about Vladamir & Natasha. Now since I am as old as I am, those cards would really come in handy to ward off Alzheimer's because according to Chatty, it will be soon!...:)JP

  16. My most creative moment...Well the first thing that came to mind was having my 4 children, but uh...don't read too much into that!

  17. 300 followers, that is awesome!!!

    I am sooo NOT creative! I love stealing other peoples ideas & attempting to make them work though. Craft ideas that is, its not like I just steal stuff. LOL

    I'm on your blog roll... I feel so special :)

  18. Congrats on 300! I could really use a creativity journal because I don't think of myself as creative at all. A creative moment probably occurs every Saturday night or early Sunday when I need a craft for pre school Sunday School. I am not crafty or creative. But one Sunday we took glass jars, decorated them and turned them into offering jars. The kids bring them often full of change for offering at Sunday School.

  19. Cool! Congrats on the followers! Woo hoo! My latest creative moment was making flowers with the kiddo with craft sticks (like tongue depressors) and tissue paper. Going to post about them this week. :) Fun!

  20. What a great giveaway!! Count me in!
    Most creative moment? Not sure? But I did make a globe light out of yarn & glue recently. It was so much fun to make!!

  21. I am so proud of your blog. I tell everyone to check it out. Its a great way to hear about the grandchildren and see how fast they are growing.

    Twenty five years ago when my two teenage girls were fighting, I sat them down and had them give each other three compliments. They sat and glared at each other and then with each positive comment, their anger lessened and in the end they hugged and made up. Its a very good memory. Love can change the world.

  22. Hmmm, I have to think about this because I'm pretty crafty. I'll pick one of my favorites that I don't have the heart to take down-yet. Four years ago when I made the letters for my son's room. I painted the wood letters, then cut out the zoo animals from strips of border, glued them onto the letters in various poses and then clear coated them.
    My little man is almost 4 now and I still have them on his wall. :)
    Congrats on the followers, glad to be one of them. You write so well.

  23. Congratulations on 300 followers. It's great to be following you. Greatest moment of creativity ... not a one, now that I'm being asked. :-) I guess each time I paint, write, photograph, do a craft or bake. Or when I hike ... I get lots of ideas then, just by looking at all of nature's beauty.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love hearing from my readers!