Monday, April 25, 2011

Doesn't That Beet All?! Muffin Tin Monday

Have I ever told you all how much I love roasted beets?  Seriously.  LOVE THEM!
Pierce had roasted beets, beef fried rice, popcorn shrimp, and a fruit face, all in his chicken-feet muffin cups.

Click to see more Muffin Tin Lunches HERE.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Roasted beets? I never heard of that!...:)JP

Sugary Flower said...

This looks so yummy! I love roast beets too (although we call them beetroots here!)

Anonymous said...

The beets look great! I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Dawn said...

My goodness! When I read the word "beet" in the title I was wondering just HOW you would incorporate beets into a child's lunch!!!! I don't even eat them;)
Roasted sound like MAYBE I could try them in that state....
Maybe not.
But cute lunch- I'll have the popcorn shrimp though;)

Melodie said...

It is amazing what you can get little ones to eat before they get old enough to realize that veggies are "yucky"! I love reading your blog because it reminds me of the cherished days when my son was little.It always makes me smile! Did I already tell you that:) ?

Sherri said...

I love beets...always have...but I have never heard of roasted beets! Sounds yummy!

Valerie Boersma said...

Just yesterday Amy asked if we could add beets to our list of vegetables for our garden. Roasted beets sound delicious!

I bet Pierce ate every bite of his yummy lunch too:)

Nancy said...

Okay -- getting your child to eat beets officially makes you a super mom.

Never liked beets, never eat beets.

Beets -- the lonely veggie.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the muffin tin lunches, and you make the so nutritious!!!

LBB said...

Never eat beets, but roasted beets? Sounds yummy! I love rosted veggies & never thought of roasted beets :)
I just love how you serve it up in the muffin cups! Too cute!

Irish Italian Blessings said...

I have NEVER heard of roasted beets but they sound delicious!!! And now I totally want some beef fried rice : )

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

I have eaten beets but never had them roasted. I will sure have to give that a try! I also wanted to let you know that I have hit a milestone on my blog and am having a giveaway of all natural organic products. I hope you will enter.

Sandy said...

Glad to see you are getting Pierce to eat all veggies....even the gross ones like roasted beets! LOL

Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

I've never heard of roasted beets. We always pickle them. The muffin tins are very cute.

Kim said...

My husband is also cuckoo for beets. I can't believe you can get your son to eat all those veggies - miraculous!

Leontien said...

Roasted beets??????????????
Oh well, guess it would work! i prefer mine cooked with some bay leaves!


Texan said...

ewww I LOVE roasted beets too. I like raw beets too in salads, I LOVE pickled beets as well.

Angela said...

My mom used to can beets in the Summer. I loved those. You are going to have to share the recipe of the roasted beets girl! You've got me wanting to try those!

Have a Great Day!

Chatty Crone said...

What a great meal - I have gotten GS to eat schrimp which is huge - but your kids eat much better.

Michelle said...

I adore pickled beets. Seriously. LOVE those muffin cups.