Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Earth Day Festival

This past Saturday we went to an Earth Day Festival.  It was so much fun!

Lots of great samples.  Paul and I got to try mead, which tastes like honey, and we both really liked it (although we each preferred a different type). 
I think the highlight of the samples was this: 

Pierce planted a flower. 

This will go in our garden: 

Home Depot was there with various building projects, so Pierce grabbed a boat kit: 

There was a bounce house.  I would've liked to have let the twins have a go, but there were a bunch of really big kids in there (Pierce was actually the smallest kid jumping). 

The Pout-Pout fish strikes again!  We made a spinning top.
The lady glued the Pout-Pout fish picture to the top of the cd, then glued a soda cap on top to spin it, and a marble on the bottom.  It makes a wonderful spinning top! 

After all the excitement, we headed to a local park to let the boys stretch their legs. 

The twins had fun running through this little playhouse. 

Pierce handled the driving: 

And Reid rocked out this fish thing. 

Earth Day really should be every day!


  1. Everyday should be this fun! Ice cream, top making, and outdoor play sounds like a wonderful day!

  2. It looks like you all had a terrific day!

  3. Ok I LOVE the CD idea that is too neat. Your boys are so adorable..

  4. Ooh, I love this kinda thing. We don't have any in this area!

  5. I think that would have been my favourite sample too! Sounds like a fun time, wish we had something like that around here.

  6. (ben and jerry's is my totally splurging what-the-heck-i-deserve-it ice cream...)

    such cute boys!

  7. Oh, how fun Lisa! You guys are such great parents for exposing your boys to these events.

  8. I'd have left with that playhouse! Fun day!

  9. Looks like fun! There were several Earth Day events here-but we never made it to any-glad you did!

  10. I'm loving your pictures and story! I would like to try mead, is it a hot alcoholic drink with honey? Isn't that the drink that built strong bodies twelve different ways for barbarians? Is the little boat the one you made? I love that picture of Pierce with his flower! Why are there ALWAYS really big kids in the bouncys, yelling and being rough?? This is a pet peeve of mine. I really think bouncy places should have two of everything, one for under six and one for over!

  11. What a perfectly fun day! And Ben and Jerry's! Amy got a stuffed cow at the Ben and Jerry's factory many years ago. It still has blueberry ice cream stains on it:)

  12. What a fun way to spend a Saturday! Thanks for taking me along and thanks for the encouraging words towards my workout progress. I just reached a mile last Friday and was so excited! It took me 50 minutes to do, but hey...everyone has to start somewhere.

  13. Looks like so much fun! I love the little yellow playhouse!

  14. Oh this looks like so much fun!I love doing things like this with the family.. so looking forward to warm weather again!

  15. How fun!!!!!! That little playhouse is adorable!!!

  16. I wish we had an Earth day celebration. But this is WV where we don't worry about such things. Yours looks like a blast!

  17. Looks like fun! I don't know that we had any activities around here for earth day or if I just missed hearing about them.

  18. Oh I love places with free samples! :) I'm with you, very leery of those jump houses when there are big kids in them. The park looks neat too. I've never been to one with a play house like that!

  19. What a fun day! Those cd tops are such a great idea :)
    And thanks for reminding me of Ben & Jerrys...I haven't treated us to it in a while. Cherry Garcia is our favorite :) I have a bad habit of digging threw it to get the cherries & chocolate !

  20. What a fun festival! I love things like this that can keep the kiddos busy wearing them out so then they sleep really REALLY well. LOl

  21. What a fun looking festival! (And I love the spinning top of The Pout-Pout Fish.)

    Best Fishes,
    Debbie Diesen


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