Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day - Memory Lane Friday

Memory Lane Friday is a weekly blog carnival where you can link up with your memories.  All are welcome.  This week's theme is Earth Day.  While that might seem like a challenging topic, it really isn't.  You could blog about a nature hike you took, a craft you made using recycled items, a pet frog - anything that celebrates the earth!  Earth Day just happens to be one of my favorite holidays.  I love that it embraces the earth and doesn't involve candy or presents.

My sophomore year of high school I was tormented by a little subject called CHEMISTRY.  Oh how I suffered through that class.  In the spring, when Ms. Bohince gave us an optional extra credit project, I was all over it. I needed all the help I could get.  The challenge was to create a costume out of recycled items for Earth Day. 

I raided old milk cartons, newspapers, cardboard boxes, rope, construction paper, string, an old wooden dowel, and a can of silver spray paint.  Here's what I created:

A knight costume!  Not so bad, eh?  I did get my full extra credit, and I think I managed to pull a B in the class when it was all said and done.

To link up, just add your website to the linky:
Be sure to visit other blogs and leave a comment.
Next week is a 'no theme' week.

Have you entered my GIVEAWAY yet?  It ends tomorrow!


  1. Aw, man . . . chemistry tormented me, too! That was my hardest class, ever, in high school.

    I love the costume! How creative!

  2. I loved chemistry although I couldn't tell you any of the symbols on that crazy chart anymore.



  3. What a wonderful outfit! I hate light the burner to do the experiments! Thankfully my lab partner loved to.

  4. I liked the class pretty much. :O). I had a very odd teacher for that class though. LOL

  5. How cute! I have forgotten my chemistry grade - probably for the best.

  6. I somehow managed to graduate from high school without having to take the dreaded chemistry class.

    I love your outfit. Very creative. :)

  7. Brilliant! You look FIERCE! My sons make castles out of old boxes and egg cartons and bottles and yarn. They're of that Renaissance ilk.

  8. I had to take chemistry in high school too. I wish Mr Rudd (I still remember the first day of class-he said "Rudd. It rhymes with mud, crud and blood!") had given us an opportunity to do extra credit. Instead, he let me withdraw at the end of the semester with a D--. (About as low as I could go!)

    Great job on your costume! It was worth every extra credit point.

  9. I linked up with Family Farm Memories. Thanks so much for hosting! I love your costume picture but I don't want to remember how HORRIBLE I did in Chemistry. Earth Day is a great day to celebrate family farmers who care for our land and grow safe and healthy food which is why I featured farm memories today.

  10. Lisa, you are so talented I love your creation!!! Chemestry is a hard subject. Blessings jane

  11. oh my gosh, i had a hard time linking up and i coudn't do it with my own logo... but i did it... YEAH!!!

    Thank you so much for hosting and i linked up with the memories of me and my husband's love story!


  12. Great Post. You were a knight in shining armour, and you should have gotten an "A" in CHEMESTRY

  13. This is very clever, and I love the horse! Perfect for Earth Day!

  14. I loved Chemistry! My high school was college prep and I took 4 years of chemistry. In my Chemistry 101 course in college we used the same text book I had used my senior year of high school, made for an easy A. I love the costume. You were creative even back then it seems.

  15. Oh GOOD KNIGHT - I hope you got an A!
    Love and Blessed Easter. sandie

  16. HA! Great costume!!
    Extra credit was my friend too :)

  17. Why, oh why, couldn't my chemistry teacher offered extra credit projects like that? All I remember is having to memorize the periodic chart!

  18. I think I LOVE that outfit! How original and innovative, Baby Girl...:)


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