Sunday, April 17, 2011

Earth Day Mystery Tissue Box Nature Craft Game

We made a fun craft for Earth Day using old tissue boxes.  First, I cut out the plastic in the windows of the boxes.  Then, using contact paper, I connected the three of them.

Next I cut some material to cover the holes.  I used an old curtain that had some flower designs on it.  Yeah, my stuff doesn't really match, but that's not the point.  
I used a hot glue gun to attach the flaps at the top of each box. 

Now, go find some fun nature objects to place inside the mystery boxes.  I found a feather, an acorn, and a rock.

The boys just loved feeling inside and trying to guess what was in each hole. 
Then they placed their own treasures in the boxes and had me guess.
It was very entertaining! 

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Anonymous said...

I bet they loved trying to find things to stump mom. This is a great activity.

Mum-me said...

What an awesome idea - will definitely be trying this one!

Jeremi said...

fun! you can also lay out 5 nature items, have the boys look at them, close their eyes, and then take 1 away -- they have to guess which one is missing. my girls really liked that when they were a little younger. now they're into taking an item and hiding that while we all close our eyes and count -- the 'you're getting hotter' and 'you're getting colder' concept is a fun one : )

w said...

oh. i like this idea. a lot.

also. must resist temptation to put live creatures in the boxes. must.

The Activity Mom said...

That turned out great! Love that it is natural items (to go along with Earth Day). Very clever. Makes me want to make one today. Thanks for linking up. =)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I might be a little afraid tor each into the box!...:)JP

TexWisGirl said...

i'd only imagine what little boys would put in there - toads, gross stuff. :)

Valerie Boersma said...

Amy and I used to do this too. I like ideas like this because they are easy to make, cheap and they teach kids how to reuse readily available materials instead of running out and buying something. And most of all they are fun.

I'd like to play a grownup version now-say with a Cadbury egg in one box, some Hershey kisses in another and a chocolate rabbit in the third!

Kerri Farley said...

What a wonderful idea!!!

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

I love this idea! I will definitely try it:) Thanks!

Ginny Hartzler said...

How really clever!! I'm always looking for crafts for the girls. You have a creative mind, I wish I did.

Joe said...

Hey Lisa. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. Always nice to meet follow Virginian bloggers.

Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

How creative. And a wonderful learning tool. My kids always loved to explore new textures.

LBB said...

Such a great idea! I will
definitely make this with my girls! Thanks for sharing :)

Nancy said...

Great idea, Mom! I can just hear the little gears whirling while they reached in and felt the object... :)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What a fun idea!

Angela said...

We did that at church with the kids in our class. They loved it. We put things in a bag though. The boxes would be neater!

Have a Great Day!

Kim said...

Okay, this is what I'm doing tomorrow with my three year old. He'll go crazy for it!

Melodie said...

What a great idea!

Deborah said...

A terrific game and tissue box idea! I love it!

Tiggeriffic said...

Great idea~!
I love this idea.. I can remember as a child my mom had something like this for my sister and I to reach inside and try and guess what it was.
Good Job~!
Have a Tiggeriffic day...ta ta for now from Iowa:0

Janice Grinyer said...

You brave mom!

i would never have dared to let my kids leave something in there for me to figure out...

Im sure it would have involved copious amounts of soap and water afterwards!

Chatty Crone said...

I'm going to pass this on - great idea.

My Mad World said...

Very neat project!! Looks like they had fun making it and hiding things for you in it! :)

Sandy said...

How fun. Did you put anything in there that would scare them when they touched it? I would have. Hmmm...guess it is a good thing I didn't have kids..LOL

Esther said...

What a wonderful idea! We will be trying it soon. I love simple and easy to make recycled ideas!

Myya said...

What a fun game! Well... until the boys put a worm or a yucky bug inside & say "Mom, come guess what we got!" ha ha ha :)